Chapter Seven

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POV: Malakai

Me, Aaron, Mia, and Leah are sitting on one side of the table with breakfast enchiladas Mama made, while both Mom's and Blake are sitting toward us.

After we got home last night mama was angry that we drank while Ma just looked amused.

I don't remember what she said other than that she would take care of us in the morning.

But all I can think about while my brother, sister, Mia, and Ma are waiting for Mama to cuss out Is Delilah The most gorgeous girl nay woman I have ever seen.

"I'm going to give you each one chance to tell us what happened," Mama spoke while giving Blake an iPad

"It wasn't my fault"

"I had sex"

"I did too and she touched me, usually girls get too tired or don't know what to do but she knew exactly what to do"

"I met the love of my life"

We all said at the same time

Ma burst out laughing while covering Blake's ears with headphones and connecting them to her iPad so she wouldn't hear the conversation. Not that she would even pay us any attention.

Mama just looked shocked

Eventually, mama recovered and slapped Ma on her arm to stop her laughing.

"Baby that hurt," Ma said rubbing the place mama hit her.

"What do you have to say to your kids?" Mama ignored Ma gesturing towards us.

"Umm good job," Ma hesitated.

"No not good job," Mama raised her voice taking a deep breath.

"Let's start over with only one of you answering now. You go first Aaron," Ma said in the most serious voice she could muster because of the look Mama gave her.

"You mean the part where I had sex?" Aaron questioned confused

"Did you wear protection and most importantly did both of you consent?" Ma asked

"Yes to consent but he was the one who wore a condom," Aaron answered with a smirk almost as if remembering the night.

"Okay Leah you turn," Ma said with her hand over her mouth trying to cover her smile.

"Umm I didn't drink or did any drugs, although I did have a threesome and both of them gave consent," Leah smiled.

"Cool," Aaron said nudging Leah

"I'm proud of you Leah, a threesome wow I mean bad Leah," Ma said as Mama stared her down.

"Your turn Mia," Ma pointed at Mia

"Oh I'm just confused I mean I have of course had sex before but with her, I had more than one orgasm and she did this thing with her tongue-

"That's too much information were you two safe and did both of you consent?" Mama cut off before Mia traumatized us more.

"Consent yea but define safe?"Mia asked

"Okay that's enough your turn Malakai," Ma could barely contain her chuckles

"I have met the love of my life," I answer with a sight and grin

"What?" All of them turned to me.

Ma couldn't contain her laugh anymore. Which is weird because what's so funny about this? The only reason I'm not in my car right now and driving to school to possibly stare at her is because of them.

Happy Ending?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang