Chapter 34- Holy Shit! Your Brother?

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He shook his face, an irritated look visible on his face while he was staring at the early night sky, a drink in his hand that he was clutching tight.

"Can you believe that?"

Eric, who was with his friend, tilted his face, giving him attention.


"They were supposed to come back last night after the wedding and they haven't yet."

"Maybe they did and since you behaved rudely with her, they didn't inform you."

Kiaro turned around and moved closer to Eric. Sighing, he sat down on the couch, next to his friend.

"Okay, have they returned yet?"

Eric let out a shrug.

"I don't know. Whatever happened to Nico wasn't Sonia's fault, Kai."

"I shouldn't have said those things to her. I was mean."

Kairo agreed in a low tone.

"Damn right. Now if I know my best friend any better, she is not going to forgive you so easily dude, maybe never. It depends."

Eric's words caused the corners of Kairo's lips to quirk up.

"Candy's got a temper huh"

"That's just her, that's Sonia, Mr. Reis, and Hunter's precious princess."

While taking a sip of his drink, Eric smirked as well.

"Call her"

Kairo said while arching his head a few minutes later of him being thoughtful.


However, no matter how many times Eric tried to contact her, he found her number turned off which puzzled him because she was unlikely to switch off her phone.

"I am trying Hunt's, her phone is off."

As Eric spoke while dialing Hunter''s number, Kairo frowned.


If not for his father's warning to not act recklessly, he would have rushed to protect her, the only woman he found himself genuinely concerned for, so much so that his entire being ached from imagining the type of situation he was sure she would be put in just because she was acquainted with the Romanis. 

The Young Master wasn't doing well. He was restless, he was mad and most importantly, he was extremely terrified. But he was also glad when one of their men notified them about the happenings that horribly took place in the town square. 

That Sonia wasn't harmed and was protected by the Marchessi siblings from the Big Lady surprised him yet made him relieved. However, the man's description of how an unconscious Sonia was carried, handled, and taken by the Young Lord on his horse gave birth to various unsettling thoughts in Ezra's head. He was seated in his room, his hand was bleeding nonstop from repeatedly striking the wall.

"Where are you, Hazel?"

His lips murmured, worriedly as he sighed while rubbing his hand all over his disheveled hair. The words in the note that Hazel wrote for Sonia were haunting him again and again. He wished, if only she would have tried to talk to him about her disapproval of the wedding but again she did try a few times, but Ezra was too busy listening to the Big Master's orders and never paid any attention to his sister which he was regretting now.

"Ughh! Hazel What Did You Do!"

He shouted while concealing his face with both of his hands, feeling hopeless. His hands were bound until Danyal decided their next step. There was a slight knock on the door and a few minutes later Ilaria entered. Ezra neither replied nor even looked at her. He was still holding his face while thinking about the two women.

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