Chapter 11 - Young Lord

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His gaze fell on her and he smirked. As she approached him, he stood straight.

"Anything you want, Miss Sonia?"

Her lips curled up to sense the desire for her in his sultry voice but she wasn't impressed. For her he was simply another man who wanted her, however, he did have charisma. 

If she wished she could easily have him right then and there. When she extended her hand toward him, Ezra frowned while staring at the thing she was holding.

"I don't accept chocolates from a man who kissed me when I wasn't in my senses."

Hours Earlier...

"I cannot believe this, you are a child."

"He is right. You shouldn't have gone alone into the woods, Sonia."

"Uff, uff, fine, you two. I said I'm sorry but that dog took my hanky and that bunny was in need of a rescue."

She spoke while munching on her sandwich.

"Yeah, but it could have been dangerous."

"Not you too, Kairo. I thought you were on my side."

Hunter let out a sigh and Elif who was sitting next to him this time mirrored his expressions.

"I am, but you made us worried."

She looked at him to find him being serious as she licked her lips to wipe off the ketchup.

"Let me remind you Sonia, this is not a place you would be wandering around however you like. Also, I told you to wear something long right? You never listen to me."

"What if something would have happened to you in the jungle? What would we have done then, hmm?"

Sonia remained silent, not replying to any one of them. She despised getting scolded. She was aware she shouldn't have been so casual and ran off after Aslan but she was glad she did otherwise who would have freed the rabbit if not her? 

She made the decision to keep quiet to avoid drawing attention to the fact that, but for her speedy departure, she might have been approached by someone on a horse.

Sighing, she fully turned to face the window while hugging her knees to her chest, ignoring her friends as Kairo noticed her foul mood.

When he tried to touch her, she jerked his hand off and glared at him in anger. She then took out her earbuds, inserted them, and shielded her ears to block out their comments. Kairo shook his face, smiling. He was aware of how stubborn she was. He knew, including the others, that she hated being told.

"Sonia, are you even listening to me?"

Elif frowned before turning her face to look at her.

"Now she is going to ignore us for at least three days."

Hunter spoke out, exhaling. His sister's childishness and stubbornness, sometimes truly get on his nerves. 

Although they were the same age, the fact that after Sonia's father passed away when they were just nine years old and her responsibility was handed to her uncle, he had taken up the role of an overprotective brother very seriously. By the time they reached Deval, the sun was about to set.

"Take right from here."

As she heard Elif guiding Hunt, she opened her left eye. Although she pretended to be asleep, Sonia wasn't really sleeping. 

Her focus particularly went to the left side of the road as she let out a frown to notice Elif's slightly trembling form. She also noticed it; as Hunter began driving to the right, that was when Elif exhaled out.

"What's on the left?"

Kairo, who was scrolling away on his phone, asked as Elif turned her face around.

"One thing you guys should remember always is to never, no matter what happens, never go to the left side of this town. It is forbidden especially if you are friends or even acquaintances of the Romanis."

Now, this was enough to hold Sonia's attention as she had lowered the music's volume and heard it all.

"Why, what's wrong?"

Hunter sounded curious, as they heard Elif's sigh.

"Just know that even thinking of going to the left side means danger."

"You are starting to scare me, El."

To hear Kairo, Sonia's lips quirked up before she turned her head and fixed her eyes on that side of the road.

'I gotta check it out.'

She thought before Hunter questioned.

"What's the case, El."

"The case is that our enemy's family lives on that side of the town okay, don't ask me anything else."


"Ohho, you guys stop making her uncomfortable, now."

Sonia said, interrupting Kairo.

"The princess is awake."

"And bored"

She crossed her arms while stating that.


The moment there was a knock on the door of his study, he opened the drawer and put the hanky inside that he had been staring at.


"Young Lord?"

A man walked in and bowed his head before asking.

"Is everything alright? You looked stressed since you came back this afternoon."



Aslan, who was curled up on the plush carpet, barked while slightly lifting his face. Before settling on the man, his intense gaze quickly moved in the direction of his pet.

"What is it?"

"An unfamiliar car has been spotted in the town a while ago. It drove to the right side."

The man spoke while nodding slightly.


"There were two men and two women. One is said to be their youngest daughter."

He nodded while rubbing his stubble before a smirk adorned his lips.

"Must be here to attend her sister's wedding."

He spoke and looked at Aslan, wondering whether it was Elif Romani that he saw from behind, hours ago but he concluded it couldn't be her because of the initial he spotted on the handkerchief.

"And the other woman?"

"Don't know yet, must be her friend."

"Very well, keep a close eye on them and the Romanis shouldn't find out."

"Will do, Young Lord, and..."

When the man hesitated to speak his next words, he frowned, ushering him to continue with his hand.

"Big Lady called you downstairs. Someone is waiting for you."

He sighed in disinterest knowing fully well who was waiting for him. He nodded and stood up.


The doors to the massive, well-decorated yet old-fashioned mansion opened.


Exclaimed Sonia with brightened eyes.

"You didn't say you lived in a castle, El."

Elif's lips curled upon hearing that. Her eyes shone with the glimpses of the past.

"Thank you"

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