Chapter 21- Storm

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He put his hands inside his pockets and cocked his face, smirking.

"I said, can we be friends?"


He nodded and Sonia let out a chuckle while taking another bite.

"And, why do you want to be friends with me?"

He let out a shrug.

"Tell me"

"I figured that is the only way to keep you close."

His honest confession made her lips curl up as she inched closer to him and extended the slice of pizza she was holding toward his mouth as he took an immediate bite out of it.

"Hmm but Mr. Romani, there are certain rules you must follow if you really want my friendship."

She spoke while walking past him and settling on the couch and so did Ezra before grabbing another packet of Pizza.


"Like, you won't scream at me."

"When did I shout at you?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Try to remember"

He sighed before nodding.

"Fine, next"

"Hmm, you won't manhandle me and you will listen to me and most importantly you will not kiss me without asking me."

But he only gave her a mischievous grin.

"How about friendly kisses, Beauty?"


But he interrupted her by kissing her cheek, causing her to widen her eyes.


"It was harmless...Oww"

When she punched him out of nowhere, he chuckled.

"Okay, even I have rules."

She arched her brow, smirking, urging him with her eyes to continue.

"You will never ever call me a bitch again."

She let out a scoff while shaking her face.


"You will talk to me sweetly and acknowledge me in front of my father."

"Haha, is it what this is about Ezra? Okay, what else?"

"Hmm," he smirked, "you will be my date for my sister's wedding."

Sonia's smile was wiped off as she glared at him but eventually, she let out a sigh before sending him a slight nod causing his eyes to brighten up instantly. 

He did after all deserve that, according to her because he did save her from those unknown men hours back. Had he not got there in time, Lord knows what had happened to her.

"I will be your date and I won't call you a bitch instead I will call you something else."

"What will that be?"


He raised his brow, making her smile. "A male bitch."

And then she burst out laughing while holding her stomach as he let out a groan while rubbing his face. But Sonia sensed that the lust was fading from the air, and she was relieved about it. Since they were by themselves, she was relieved that he refrained from attempting to seduce her or force her to do anything against her will.

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