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I was having late night withdraws without Billy so I decided to pop by. I was so glad to see him awake. Normally we let each other know or plan ahead but I just wanted him now. So yeah, I walked to his house and knocked on his window. Sounds like... Extremely creepy but it's not for us. Guess we're kind of used to it at this point. Having to be quiet and secretive made our intimacy so much better.

After our lovely night and falling asleep, I woke up needing to free myself. I put on Billy's white T-shirt and boxers to go use the restroom. I walked out of his room, trying to be as quiet as I could. I was too busy trying to gently shut his door that I didn't see Max standing beside her room. When I turned around I slightly yelped but held back my voice. I kept my hand on my chest, she scared the shit out of me.
"Sorry." Max shrugged, not meaning to startle me.
"Your good, I'm sorry." I put my hand up to apologize. We kept up a whispering voice.
"No worries... You know... I'm actually glad you're with Billy." She told me. I gave her a big grin. That was sweet of her.
"You want to talk?" I asked her. It was difficult to constantly whisper back and forth while also being terrified of someone seeing me. It's not exactly like I was invited over... Max nodded and opened her door for me to follow her. She sat on her floor, next to some open comic books so I sat in front of her.
"I'm just saying you seem cool. The other girls he had around were..." She began to speak.
"... Oh I know. You don't even have to say it. I went to school with them. Trust me...I know." I helped her finish. She gave me a smile and slightly laughed.
"Billy.. He used to be an asshole. I mean, he still kinda is but that's cause of Ne.." Max started going on but paused.
"Neil.. Yeah, I know everything. Dont worry." I told her. She nodded and looked away. I wonder if it ever effected her. I mean, it must..right? Billy has only talked about his experience with Neil's abuse but...i cant begin to question if the girls are involved too. Who knows...
"Guess you and Billy are a real couple then." She said.
"Yeah, yeah we are." I replied. We sat in silence for a moment. "To be honest, I hated him at first." I spilled.
"No way." She chuckled.
"Yeah way... He was an asshole, way worse then though. But I don't know... he grew on me. We used to be so mean to each other. Then it became fun and different." I explained.
"That's cool." Max responded.

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I woke up alone in my room. I figured Alice was using the restroom, I was hoping she didn't leave. I think she would've told me, she always did in the past. I decided to get up and check to be sure. I heard faint laughter come from Max's room. I gave her door a slight knock, no one said anything so I gently cracked the door open. Guess they didn't hear me over their laughs.
"... Its just...its so surprising to me that he found someone. You guys are so in love." Max giggled as she told Alice. I admired their cute little talk.
"Yeah...I guess I do love him." Alice admitted. She.. Loves.. Me? She swiped her hair behind her ear and blushed. They looked so happy. Alice's face dropped for a second.
"Wait Max... Dont tell him." Alice told her. I didn't want to get caught so I carefully walked away and used the restroom real quick. I came back minutes later, to bring her back to bed. I opened the door, fully this time, and accidentally startled the girls a bit.
"Sorry, we were just chatting." Alice apologized and stood up.
"No worries." I smiled at her. SHE loves me. This beautiful babe, whose my girl... Shes wearing my clothes and coming to sleep in MY bed. How do I even deserve her?
"Goodnight Max." Alice said goodbye and we went to bed. I truthfully wanted to tell her my feelings but I heard what she said. She didn't want me to know... Shes probably scared like me or unsure of how she feels. I don't know what to do.
"Goodnight Billy." Alice said as she held my face while we laid next to each other.
"Goodnight baby." I whispered and kissed her forehead.

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