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"Allie I'm really sorry." Eddie used the nickname he gave me when we teased each other as kids. He rarely used it but when he did he was sincere, I knew that. He sat in the boat to get comfortable, I followed his actions.
"Eddie please don't be sorry. Fear makes us do things we never imagined." I told him as I sat beside him. It sounded like a cliche thing to say but I reconciled with it.
"I can't believe you've been involved in all this shit." Eddie said as he gave me a sympathetic look.
"Only since last year." I shrugged.
"Can you tell me about it? Get my mind off of everything." He asked, then leaned on the side of the boat. I gave him a sweet smile and nodded. I thought for a moment, deciding where I'd start.
"It all started with Billy actually. The mind flayer, as we call it, took control of him. So last summer, right before 4th of July, that's when I was involved. Billy didn't show up to pick me up for our date one night. He called me and said my name but then hung up. I was so worried, I knew something was wrong... I just felt it... Then, when I tried to find him at work, he was there, but he seemed...different. The kids took me aside because they had suspicions too. After we realized he wasn't himself, they told me everything. I didn't believe them at first, I thought it was a joke or just flat out lies but its true. We tried to get IT out of him but I think that only made it worse. And seeing El's powers, I knew for sure it was all real. The mind flayer made Billy kill people, he forced him to do anything he wanted, like a toy. He was trying to make an army, which turned into a monster, to kill eleven...probably because she's too powerful. To end the story, that's why there was a 'fire' in the mall. Because that monster died there, right in front of everyone. I'm still surprised Billy was okay, eleven saved him by making him remember his happiest memories... And he's never been the same since." I finished the story. It was good to get it off of my chest. I finally got to explain my suffering to my best friend. He only thought Billy broke up with me just because. I never tried to explain it any further so I just lied about us. But he knew it was more than that, based off of my depression... Turns out it was science fiction related as well...
"You went through all of that... I'm so sorry." He shook his head. I was fine telling the story because I've always wanted to spill it out to Eddie but once he spoke up I cried softly. It wasn't a sob, it was just a few tears. It felt so freeing to discuss this.
"Thank you Eddie. I've wanted to tell you since day one... I wish you didn't have to go through this with us though." I hugged Eddie tightly as I told him. I genuinely scared me, that he was getting involved. First, my then boyfriend, and now my best friend.
"Yeah, me too." Eddie sighed and leaned back on the boats edge. "I appreciate you staying with me though." He added on.
"I knew I'd be able to talk to you about everything and I wasn't going to leave you alone...clueless." I responded with a smile. He still looked scared but mostly tired. We sat in silence for a moment. He was probably thinking, as was I.
"So why did Billy break up with you?" He asked me suddenly.
"I couldn't tell you, I don't even know why." I replied with a shrug and a sigh.
"You still love him though?" He asked me.
"Never stopped." I replied.

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Eddie and Alice fell asleep, side by side, in the boat. They were both exhausted. Eddie woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep. So he took it upon himself to watch out the window and try to keep himself occupied. Having Alice there with him really helped his nerves.

Billy hated himself for allowing Alice to stay with Eddie. He felt like she was unsafe despite being with her best friend. So as soon as the sun rised, he woke up Max and went to the boat house. He brought a blanket, pillow and food with him. Max brought some clothes, deodorant, a book and a cards for them. Sadly, she couldn't get clothes for Eddie but she figured he wouldn't care.

Billy opened the door to be met with a scared Eddie. He had the same broken bottle in his hand as he did last night for safety.
"Dude...I could've killed you." Eddie told Billy. Max was close behind him.
"Sure." Billy spoke as they went inside. Alice was still sound asleep in the boat. Billy admired her as he sat down their goods. Max took note of the way he looked at her. Eddie was still catching his breathe from the sudden entrance. Eddie threw his bottle on a nearby table which made Alice jump up from her peaceful sleep.
"Woow..." Billy stepped back, as she looked around.
"Fuck." Alice said as she covered the sun that reflected in her eyes from the window. She moved her knees into her chest and hide her face. She needed a second to fully wake up, yawn and then she'll get up.
"You okay?" Billy asked her.
"This is her morning routine. She needs some time to fully rise." Eddie did joke but he was correct. Alice lifted her head, and smiled at Eddie as she rubbed her eyes. She chuckled a little bit and slowly stood up in the boat. Billy and her locked eyes. He walked up and took his arms out to help her get down. She allowed him and took his manly hands in her own and jumped to the ground. Her body gently collided with his but she kept her balance.
"Thanks." Alice softly spoke and went to hug Max.
"What'd you bring me?" Alice kindly asked her. Max handed her the bags so she can take a look.
"Ohhh cards." Alice cheered as she showed Eddie.
"I got you a blanket and pillow." Billy spoke up. Alice turned to view him and she smiled. He was being a bit awkward, just standing there. He wanted to speak up and tell her to come back but that wasn't his place. And despite his worries, she seemed safe and sound.
"You need this." Alice teased Eddie as she threw the deodorant at him, he surprisingly caught it.
"Totally." He agreed and began to apply it, under his shirt. Suddenly, the door barges open to reveal the rest of the gang. We all stare at the door to see Dustin, Steve and Robin.
"Jeeesus Christ." Eddie muttered and held his chest. The rest of the group let out their breathes, Alice sighing loudly.
"What are you guys doing here?" Billy asked them.
"Max told us you guys were coming so we figured we'd bring some food and talk more about well.. Our news." Dustin replied. Billy looked irritated. Alice was annoyed by his expression so she rolled her eyes and indulged in with her friends.
"I'd like to hear the news, for sure." Eddie brought up.
"And eat." Alice chimed up. Alice and Eddie took some cereal and chips in their hands along with Yahoo's as they sat at the end of the boat. Everyone else scattered around them as they munched down.
"Don't steal it all, you pig. " Alice messed with Eddie and forced his hand out of the cereal box so she could grab some. He nudged her making her spill some of her Yahoo.
"So we have some good news and some bad news... How do you prefer?" Dustin asked Eddie.
"Bad news first, always." Eddie replied and Alice nodded in agreement.
"Okay, bad news... We tapped into the Hawkins pd dispatch with our cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you. Also...they're pretty convinced you killed Chrissy." Dustin told us.
"Like 100% kind of convinced." Robin inputted. Alice sighed deeply and covered her face.
"And the good news." Alice questioned with her hands up.
"Your name hasnt gone public yet. But if we found you... Its a matter of time before others do...And everyone will be gunning for you once they find out. " Robin responded.
"Hunt the freak right?" Eddie asked.
"Sounds about right." Billy chimed in. Alice gave him a 'not right now' motherly look.
"Fuck." Alice winced at her thoughts.
"So before that happens, we need to find vecna, kill him and prove your innocence." Dustin said.
"Oh well, sounds pretty easy." Alice sarcastically added.
"Listen, I know that everything Dustin's saying sounds totally delusional but we've actually been through this kind of thing before. I mean I bet Alice has told you." Robin spoke up. Alice nodded at her.
"Yeah she did. Last year with uh Billy here was her first time... Experiencing it?" Eddie said and partially questioned himself. Alice glanced at Billy, his eyes shifted away from hers and to the ground.
"Right exactly... And last year was my first time too but it was on a whole other level, with Russians and more details but uh yeah and well everyone else has a few times." Robin stuttered on.
"Well we usually rely on eleven and her superpowers but uh those went bye bye so..." Steve began to say before Robin helped him.
"So were technically in more of the..." Robin said before Steve and Max agreed on saying 'brainstorming phase'. Alice sighed and fastly laid down in the boat.
"There's nothing to worry about." Dustin stated. Alice scoffed, knowing he was wrong.
"Oh because it went so well last year." She said, accidentally gazing up at Billy. His demeanor was standing next to the boat. His eyes were sad, she read that. Then sirens began, which startled everyone. Alice began to hide under the tarp with Eddie.
"What am I doing, I don't need to hide." She muttered, put the tarp on him and ran to the window, with Max and Billy. Many police officers sped past the near by street. Alice exhaled, glad they weren't here for Eddie. But that meant something else happened.
"Come on, let's go see what it is." Steve insisted. Alice looked at Billy, to see where his head was at.
"Might as well." He said. Alice ran to Eddie, and helped get the tarp off of him.
"I'm going to see what happened. I will be back." She stated and quickly hugged him goodbye.

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