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Diana would not stop hanging around me at school. I have a thing with her ONE time and now she's like attached to my hip. I'm trying to subtly shoe her off but for now, that's not working. Alice was trying to have a conversation with me but Diana popped out of nowhere and interrupted her. I knew Alice wasn't happy about it. She only tried to talk to me whenever I was alone and I don't blame her.
"Oh, what's your name again?" Diana asked Alice. I rolled my eyes at her high pitched voice.
"Alice." She answered her.
"Well anyways, I have the best idea for all of us!" Diana chimed up, almost interrupting Alice.
"What?" I asked her curiously.
"You see Brad over there? Well he's got the hots for Alice soooo I planned a double date for us!" Diana cheered. We both glanced over at Brad. He accompanied me on the basketball team. He wasn't a bad looking guy, I just don't think Alice would like him. She turned back to us and shrugged.
"Why?" She asked Diana. That's a great question.
"For fun silly! We can all have fun together." She answered. This felt like it was going to be a wasted night.

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I don't think I could like this guy any less. Sure he was attractive but not my type and not as near smart. I'm trying my best to enjoy the night because Diana will not stop attempting any sort of PDA with Billy. It's honestly getting annoying. I tried to be sweet and sit on brads lap like Diana but it was just weird. And I think Brad liked it a bit too much. I wasn't the biggest fan of bowling either, this night was way too weird.

I stole Diana and decided to talk with her. I caught Billy making conversation with Brad as I did so.
"Is this really fun to you?" I asked her.
"What do you mean silly?" She questioned me. On my god, did I want to slap the optimistic cheerleader shit off of her face...
"This double date bullshit." I answered her. She took my arm and lured me into the women's restroom.
"Look, I see the way Billy stares at you and talks to you. I just want him okay! So back off!" Diana screeches at me and runs out of the bathroom. What the fuck? I laugh out loud. She's such a dramatic ass. I roll my eyes and left the bathroom. I made my way back to our lane and stole some fries to snack on. Billy asked to speak with me soon after.
"Don't do anything with Brad." Billy demanded as he spoke to me alone.
"What?" I asked him.
"He's an asshole." Is all he said. I was agrivated at the fact that these people think they can control me.
"You're an asshole. I obviously don't like Brad anyways... You know what, I'm actually done for the night." I respond and fastly grab my jacket and left.
"How will you get home?" Billy loudly asked me as I was walking out. I didn't reply. It was nice to know he cared but I didn't want to deal with this anymore. Enough fake shit and dealing with dumb people. I wouldn't have come anyways if it wasn't to spend time with Billy, which I didnt even get to do.

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All I wanted to do was protect Alice once again. I think she was just annoyed by the whole night and I am on the exact same page. Diana wouldn't get off of me and Brad was a creep. When Diana and Alice went off the talk or whatever, I was left with Brad. He told me how hot Alice was and all the things he wanted to sexually do with her. He's a disgusting guy. I had to act all cool and brush it off. If I let what he said get to me everything would've blown up. This is just proving too much to me. I hated to see her walk away. I didn't know how she'd get home either since we all drove here together.

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Eddie and I were back in our normal spot, at lovers lake. I had so much on my mind. He was the only one I could ever talk to beside Billy, but I couldn't...
"Remember when you asked me if I wanted to be with someone, and mean something to someone?" I slowly asked Eddie. He nodded at me.
"Well...I do." I told him. There it was, he knew I had finally fallen for Billy. The truth was out and I only felt partially relived. I still felt odd, like I was doing something wrong. But hell, I'm just human.

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