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Alice was quiet the whole way to the party. I didn't want to bug her or irritate her so I just kept quiet too. I turned up the music and let the good vibes of Friday linger through me. We also separated as soon as we got inside. Today the host was Harrington. I never cared about whose house it was anyways, I just don't want to see him. I'll try my best to either ignore him or show off my king skills. I've already proved my self enough though, being keg champion and all.

I swear I thought this guy was fucking with Alice. Guess I was wrong.
"God Billy...leave me alone!" Alice groaned as she slipped away from me. I assumed the worst because of what happened to her last time. I didn't want something bad to happen this time. Some guy was being all handsy with her. As I got closer, I noticed they were making out. Turns out it was all bad. Alice was upset with me for making the guy run off all scared like. I ran after her, trying to apologize.
"Al! I was trying to protect you!" I protest as I chase her through crowds of people. I follow her outside as she huffs and stops in her tracks. She wasn't drunk but she wasn't sober either. She held her jacket close and crossed her arms as she turned to me. Her eyes glisened with tears. She sniffed, maybe it was from the cold or from her sadness.
"I'm sorry." I say, defeated.
"Why did you do that?" She asked me. Her voice broke, she sounded torn. I didn't think I would hurt her.
"I thought he was trying to take advantage of you." I told her the truth.
"Well, he wasn't. We were clearly making out and perfectly fine." She responded and I nodded.
"Look I'm sorry. I thought and... I was wrong okay, I just didn't want what happened last time to happen again and I....." I spoke before Alice interrupted me.
"What happened last time?" She asked me. I realize now, she was too drunk to remember.
"Some guy was practically groping you while you were drunk. Before you threw up and passed out in my car." I explained. Alice looked away, shaking her head. Some more tears left her eyes. She rubbed her face afterward.
"Why are you sad?" I questioned. I almost sounded stupid, like I didn't know how to ask her.
"I'm just embarrassed and I don't know... Blue." She answered me and shrugged.
"I'm honestly sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset the other day or tonight. It's all really my bad. We can take a break from this whole thing, whatever you want. Just tell me." I spoke up.
"I just... It's fine really. I know you mean well but you know I can speak and stand up for myself. I don't need you doing it for me. I get that you care and it's nice to see that." She responded after hesitation.
"Me care? Pff...sure." I joked, kind of. Alice laughed, shockingly. I didn't think I'd make her crack a smile.
"Come on, let's go to the diner." I said as I held my hand out for her to grab. She grabbed it and held it close to her side, almost cuddling it. This felt...nice.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

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