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It was my very first track meet. I was completely ready for anything. Practices were great, the only negative I would have was my teammates. Some girls were gossipy bitches but as long as I stay on my good terms then I'll be fine. I just kept telling myself that I want to be here. I don't care about winning, it's not about that. It's about me feeling good about something I love to do. It felt great to belong and be apart of a team, even if I didn't like everyone. It'll be like that anywhere for me though.

Firstly, my team and I did a 400 meter sprint run around the track. It didn't go terribly. Even if Veronica fell, she still picked herself back up. We actually did pretty good. I made sure to keep my eye on the mission. Not bad for our first time.

I was glad to be indoors once again. I could not where this wrapped around bralette type shirt and spandex shorts way. Plus, the indoor track at the opponents school was amazing. They were hella fancy compared to our school. Running in the cold isn't exactly my favorite thing, even though I did run home in the cold last week. I just didn't want Billy taking me home. He probably would've tried going in to talk to my mom and she would've made us go on a date again or something. That was so weird to me, why did she want me going out with him? I can't even begin to understand it. But on that note, Billy was doing pretty good throwing in the discus rounds. He kept moving up and competing against others on the team. He sure as hell knew what he was doing. I admired him for that, he seemed passionate about it. I could see it on his face, pure concentration and will.

I was chatting with my group, talking about other team players when we all got interrupt by a pained screetch. I quickly turned my head towards the noise and saw Billy holding his shoulder while he was groaning on the ground. I immediately ran over to him. Many people just stood around, which bothered me.
"Billy, what happened?" I asked him as I knelt down beside him. He was gripping his right shoulder while laying on the other side.
"I think.. I fucking, pulled some...thing." He finally muttered out. He was in a full break out sweat. I saw the pain on his face and it hurt to witness it.
"I can take him to the hospital if I need to." Coach Sullivan spoke up next to me. Billy nodded.
"Yeah, I think that's best. Everyone else can continue on and since you can walk you guys can just go to the hospital." I noted and we helped Billy stand. It felt weird to be such a help but it was nice. I was quick to think and help out which is what someone needs in the situation. I'm already showing Sullivan that I want this. We all three walked to her car, Billy was fine to walk but sudden movements made him grunt in pain. I set him in her passenger seat as she started the car. I shut his door and started to walk back.
"You're not coming?" He asked me through the rolled down window.
"Do you want me to?" I asked him and motioned my arms. He nodded at me. I was surprised, honestly.
"Let me grab my stuff." I quickly ran back inside to tell the girls and grabbed my bag. I tossed my jacket on and handed Billy his, it's too cold out here. I hurried into Sullivan's car and we drove to the hospital. Billy kept moaning on the way there. I felt awful, it was our first meet. I sat in the middle row of the back seats. I learned over in between Billy and coach.
"On the bright side, you were doing amazing. Totally would've taken first place." I told Billy, making him smile. He never let go of his shoulder the whole way. Sullivan thought it was best to go to an emergency room, which I agreed on. It took awhile to get him in but surprisingly not forever. The doctor ended up telling him that he'll need a brace and prescribed him some pain medicine. I was like a awkward random person just in the background. Maybe I was there since I helped him. I still thought it was weird that he wanted me there. Then again, he helped me once in my time of need, this kind of felt like a payback, in a good way. I still feel bad for him so it was nice to show him that too. After the doctor helped him apply the brace and told him some more information, it was time to head out. It only took a couple of hours but the meet was definitely over. We all started to walk out to coach's car as someone interrupted us.
"William, what the hell?" An older man shouted at Billy. William?
"I had to call his emergency contact, thats his father." Sullivan whispered to me.
"I'm fine." Billy told his father. Coach and I watched from nearby.
"What do you think you're doing making me pay for your issue, getting hurt at a school event." His father told him out of anger. I was upset. How dare he say that.
"Excuse me, Mr. Hargrove or whatever, Billy did an amazing job actually. He obviously just pushed and overextended himself too much, which got him hurt. Be happy your son is okay." I told him but Sullivan pushed me back with her. I was agrivated.
"We're going to head back. Billy get better. Drive safe Mr. Hargrove." Coach told them and made me walk back to her car. I exhaled as we got inside.
"Look, I know people can be assholes but you have to be careful." She told me and I nodded. I crossed my arms and leaned back into the passenger seat. She began driving.
"You did great today. I could tell you cared about him. You're not in trouble, I was just looking out for you." She added on.
"Thank you. I know, I just couldn't believe his dad would talk to him like that." I responded. She nodded and clicked her tongue.
"You'd be surprised. Many parents do, especially to students in many sports. Like Billy." She told me. It makes since but still sucks.

Coach drove me home which I was thankful for. I decided to go check on Billy once it got dark out. I didn't want to bother him earlier. I decided to walk there too. I changed into a more appropriate outfit. A simple fit of ripped jeans and a plaid opened shirt over a tight black long sleeve shirt. I've seen Billy's car at this house numerous of times I've passed it, so I assumed he lives here. I knocked on the door to reveal a red headed women. Her smile brightened the area.
"Hi, sorry to bother you. I just wanted to check on Billy." I told her.
"Oh! And you are?" She kindly asked me.
"Sorry, I'm Alice, a friend of Billy's." I introduced myself. I wouldn't say we're friends but in this case it's my best option. What else was I gonna say?
"Well it's nice to meet you, come on in." She said and motioned for me to go inside. I viewed around the small home.
"Can I get you something to drink?" She asked me as I followed her into the kitchen.
"No, no thank you." I responded. I really felt awkward because I didn't know this women or Billy super well. It was kind of weird to be here and I started to regret it. I just stood in the kitchen, unsure of what to do. Thankfully, Susan called for Billy...but there was no answer.
"His music is most likely turned up, go ahead and try to knock on his door. It's just down the hall, on the left." Susan told me. I nodded and decided to go for it. I didn't have anything to lose and I couldn't leave now. She would've told him that I was here and it would've been even more awkward. I loudly knocked on his door, knowing it was the right one do to the blaring music.
"What?" Billy shouted over his music. I opened his door to see him smoking on his bed while going through music. His room was everything I expected, 'hot chick' posters, cigarette butts everywhere and lingering rock music.
"Oh hey." He slightly said as he turned off his stereo.
"Guess I'm glad your dad isn't here." I brought up as I stayed still in the door way.
"Yeah, he was mad because he had to leave work for my mistake." Billy mocked his father.
"I don't think coach meant for him to come get you. I think she just figured a parent should know about your injury." I said, putting my hands in the back of my pockets and walked into his room to look around.
"Yeah, no, I get that." He replied.
"I just wanted to check on you, see how you were doing." I spoke up after a moment of silence and swiftly faced him. I felt that awkwardness creep up once again.
"I'm fine. This brace holds my shoulder in place so it doesn't hurt so much, just sore." He responded.
"Good, good." I nodded.
"You should probably leave before my dad gets home." Billy insisted.
"Right, sorry." I said. I pointed finger guns at him and walked out. Why did I feel so stupid? I mean he wasn't trying to be rude, he's being honest. I knew he was right.
Suddenly, the front door opened, making me stop in my tracks. Of course, it was Neil. I was still close to Billy's door. My hands dropped and so did my ego. I just did not want confrontation right now, it's been a long day. He saw me and scoffed, but went into the kitchen. Well good then.
"Well thanks for letting me come by." I waved bye to Susan and tried to leave. I opened the front door before she spoke up.
"Why don't you stay for dinner?" She asked me.
"Oh I don't think..." I said but she interrupted.
"...Oh I insist!" She gladly insisted and shut the door beside me. I sighed. She was being super nice, I just didn't want to cause any issues with Neil again. It's hard to not confront an asshole. Billy came out of his room and witnessed the quick encounter. I shrugged and followed Susan's lead. Neil made sure he didn't run into us while he took a beer from the fridge and landed back into the living room. I tried my best to not make eye contact with him. Susan handed me plates, forks and cups. Thank god too because I needed to do something other than stand here. I started to set the table as she asked me questions.
"So, how do you know Billy?" She questioned.
"Well, we go to school together and are in track as well." I answered her. She gave me a nod and a grin as she began to cook the beef. I just finished the table as Billy briskly grabbed me and took me away from anyone's sight.
"I think you should leave." He demanded. I furrowed my brows and tried to search his face for an explanation.
"What? Why? Susan was just being nice, I'm not trying to intrude." I told him and made him let go of my arm.
"I think it's just better if you go." He sternly said. I was kind of annoyed.
"Give me a reason and I will." I replied. He hesitated and I wasn't sure why.

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"Give me a reason and I will." Alice responded to me. I hesitated. I didn't know what to say, the truth or more lies? Her eyes were deeply scanning mine. I felt weird in this moment, conflicted.
"I don't want you here." I coldy told her. I hated that I said it but I knew she would leave. I watched her scoff and hurry away from me. She muttered something to Susan and rushed out the door. I felt bad but I didnt want my dad saying or doing anything. He wouldn't care...but I would, I would regret it. I'll just find a way to explain it later. She really helped me out today and this is how I repay her, fuck.

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