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I've tried my best to subtly get Alice's attention but nothing works. She isn't like the other girls who fall at my feet. She doesn't even notice me... Whatever. But I will admit, it's fun to get on her nerves. I know I do even when she ignores me. So, for now, I won't stop myself. Maybe I'll get to her. I know I'll make her absolutely pissed tonight, since I'm going over to her house for dinner.

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What the fuck. I just wanted to take a totally incognito smoke break when all of the sudden someone appears in my driveway. Turns out it's fucking Billy Hargrove. He drove up in his blue Camaro. He arose out of his vehicle while he lit his cigarette. He wore a dark red shirt, that showed half of his chest, while his leather jacket lingered above it. What was he trying to pull? Why's he here? I threw my cigarette away from me and walked up to him. Of course, I was wearing a tank top and pajama shorts. Honestly, I really didn't give a shit, especially about him, but I still wrapped my long sweater around my body do to the cold.
"Why are you here?" I questioned as I kept my space away from him.
"You're mother invited me over for dinner." He responded. What? He inhaled his cigarette in deeply then slowly approached me as he took his jacket off.
"Why...when?" I continued to question him with a hand on my hip.
"The other night." He responded as he walked past me and threw the rest of his cigarette over his shoulder. He opened up my front door and waltzed in. Um okay, just go on in then, into MY house, cool got it. I tossed my sweater onto the hook and rushed to search for my mom. After she greeted Billy he left to help set the table. Perfect time for me to steal her to discuss this terrible occurrence.
"Why is he here?" I asked her.
"I invited him honey, now go help him set the table." She replied and shoved cups into my chest. I slightly scuffed as she walked off. I did as told, even if it killed me. Afterward, I went upstairs, to act like I was doing something but I was really just killing time. When I came back down, everyone was sat at the table. Perfect timing I guess. My mother started to help serve the food.
"Don't you have more kids?" Billy asked my mom. I rolled my eyes as I sat in my seat, across from him.
"Mike is at Will's and Nancy is with her boy toy." I spoke up. My mom huffed at me.
"Alice, don't call Steve that." She sternly told me.
"What? It's true." I laughed, I saw Billy smirk at me. My smile dropped quickly...  creep. My father rolled his eyes and sighed. He never speaks up. He doesn't care what I say, not the way my mom does.
"Thank you for inviting me to dinner, it's really good." Billy spoke up after we dug into the food. What's good...this meatloaf? Oh, my mother's worst dish that shes ever made? He's reallynjust being generous but why?
"Anytime Billy." She responded with a big grin. So weird.
"Sooo uhm.. where did you guys meet?" I asked, pointing my fork between my mom and Billy.
"I was looking for my sister this weekend. She wasn't here and Mrs. Wheeler invited me to dinner." Billy answered, obviously bothered by my question. Wow...what a nice offer mom but I still don't understand why. Ugh. I just kept to myself and continued eating. I figured if I can finish my food fast enough it'll make this go by. I can just run up to my room or something. My father got up to use the restroom. I could tell my mother was antsy for some reason.
"So Billy, I was wondering... Would you like to take my daughter out?" My mom randomly brought up.
"What?" I questioned her. Ugh why?! Billy looked back and forth between us. I was completely stiff. Seriously this was annoying.
"Come on, just a date. It'll be fun." My mother added on, me being ignored again.
"How come you get to decide who I date?" I asked her.
"Sure, why not." Billy responded and shrugged. He went back to his food. I groaned out loud. She really thinks she can control me.
"Perfect, well you two decide when and let me know." She finished with a big smile. I rolled my eyes and leaned the side of my head on my arm while I scarfed down my food.
"Well this was absolutely lovely. I'm afraid I need to get some homework finished, bye." I eagerly spoke using all the sarcasm I could and left the dinning room. That wasn't the least bit annoying.

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This fucking dinner was disgusting and to be honest, boring too. I didn't particularly like the other Wheeler kids. I preferred Alice over the others. Her dad doesn't do or say much and Mrs. Wheeler, she's fine. She likes me and well who doesn't like that.

I helped Mrs. Wheeler clean up since her husband was worthless and immediately left to watch TV after we ate. Afterwards, I decided to make myself present to Alice, and I can get some insight too. I didn't really care about the whole date thing, even if it was Mrs. Wheelers idea. I figured we'd just get it over with anyways. Maybe I can get to know her, ease her into it, we'll see...
I started walking up the stairs when I realized I didn't know which room was hers. But then I didn't need to know, it was obvious. Her door had an 'A' painted on it with a 'do not enter' sign on it. I chuckled slightly...of course. Music was also playing from the inside. I knocked, I didn't want to scare her plus she probably wouldn't have heard me come in over the music. I didn't hear anything so I knocked again.
"What?" Alice yelled over the loudness. I opened the door to see her laying stomach down, on her bed. She was also reading a book. Immediately, she rolled her eyes and got off of her bed. She turned her radio off and crossed her arms towards me. I viewed her room a bit, taking in her grungy style.
"Can I help you?" She asked me.
"Be ready at 8pm on Friday night. I'll pick you up then. And it was nice seeing you, goodnight." I told her and started to walk away. I heard her say 'whatever' and shut her door. This was all apart of the plan. As far as I know it she can hate me all she wants but I'm still inside of her head.

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