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Why were people trying to kill dustin... STEVE AND ROBIN? What... I knew Steve was in this but robin now too? I know she's in band, and from our school. Plus I've seen her working with Steve, obvi cause their wearing their uniforms too but it turns out we are both newbies to this whole thing, how fun. El threw a car into the RUSSIAN SPIES...apparently. So she just saved them from that. We all ran to them. Everything everyone said confused me. I was on the same page as Robin, she was confused by El, as was I before. And Lucas's sister, Erica was there too...Weird...All of the sudden, El fell to the ground away from us. Her leg was like...alive. It was so creepy the way something moved inside of her. Unfortunately Jonathon had to cut Els skin. She finished the rest of the job and forced it out with her powers. How much can this girl take? Robin babbled on about a random story which actually helped me, personally...

El was fine and healing. The chief Hopper, Joyce and a guy named Murray ended up finding us. Funny since we were trying to find them. Everyone took this time to relax before forming our next plan. I had to tell Steve everything about Billy. I know they were never close in the past, but it was nice to talk about it to people who didn't just go through it all. Robin listened in too. They even explained their recent events as well. It's all been insane for us lately.

I wished Steve and Robin a safe trip as they left to go to Dustin's cell tower to help navigate Hopper, Joyce and Murray through the Russian tunnels...funny.... The plan was slowly coming along. Everyone made their way to their spots. Our group stayed together. We all got back into the car, ready to leave but Nancy couldn't start the car. As Jonathan checked under the hood I saw him. Billy's car was far away, in the parking lot. Right after I said Nancy's name his lights turned on and his engine revved. Everyone grew terrified. What was the flayer capable of and why did you need MY BOYFRIEND!? I wanted to scream and shout it out but there was no time. Nancy insisted that we all should go back inside the mall so we did. But what now!?

I watched Nancy load her gun.
"This is just a precaution, okay?" She warned me. I nodded, practically shaking with fear.
"Just please... Don't kill him." I told her and walked away. Mike tried to radio for 'Scoops troop' but no one was answering. I felt like we were fucked until Jonathan had the idea to get the ignition cable from the car that El killed the Russians with earlier. She tried her best to force it back onto the ground..but she couldn't do it. I understand why, she was our number one use for the past two nights. She exhausted, weak and useless. I felt bad for her because she deeply cared. But she needs to rest and heal. As we helped each other and finally got the car tipped back over, Jonathan retrieved the cable. Shockingly, Max and I were distracted by a random noise. It was as if it was coming from the glass roof. Mike and Max all saw the monster through the glass. Mike yelled for our sister, grabbed Els hand and ran. I ran along with them because I had no time to get to Nancy like I wanted. As long as I was with one of my siblings, I felt better. I actually felt some kind of hope as the monster fell into the mall. This place is huge, we can hide, run and get away. It will be okay...

After running around in different stores and holding our breathes for as long as we could, we really thought we made it out. We started to walk (because of El) out of the mall. We almost made it past a gate beside the mall but were met with Billy. Part of his car was in flames and he was obviously in pain. The mind flayer wasn't letting him get off that easy despite it all. Max ran to shut the gate before we hurried back into the mall. I wanted to run to him but what good was that going to do? All we could do was go back and hope for the best. They weren't getting anywhere with Els leg in the way. Billy was getting closer, he got to Max first. She tried to make him remember or something, telling him who he was but he just slapped her unconscious, to the ground. I was stuck in place, completely unable to move. I whislered 'I love you' before he knocked me out too. I guess I finally got to say it, whether it was him or not.

My head was pounding as I woke up. It took a minute to collect myself and remember all the recent events. I helped wake up Max, as I did so Mike woke up by himself. I'm glad we were okay. We soon realized Billy had stolen El. Maybe that was the plan. They wanted to kill El because she could obviously end this? The three of us ran out to see Billy standing before the monster. That thing threw it's hands out but Billy caught it with his arms. He looked like he was trying to protect El. Hearing his grunts scared the shit out of me. I felt frozen with fear. I thought 'this is the end, this is the last time I'll see him'....I'm so fucking glad I was wrong...The relief I felt when I saw the monster suffering in pain from the fireworks one minute to completely collapsing onto the ground in front of Billy. I deeply exhaled before I ran to Billy, unsure if he was him right now, so I stopped a few feet away from him. Mike ran to El, to help her. Billy looked over at me and suddenly fell to the ground. I ran over to him and put his head in my lap. I cried out... Still scared.. Still confused... I hope he's okay.. I hope he's him.

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