Kennedy Simmons

"Alexa is a beautiful name." Kendra said. "Badass too." Mika added. "I know. Honestly I like it way more than Kennedy." Mika gave my shoulder a friendly squeeze. "Then it's official. We'll call you Alexa." Kendra agreed to that too. "It will take some time to get used to it since I've been calling you Kennedy for all those years but I like Alexa more too."

"What does Harry say about it? How does he call you." Mika questioned me after she took a sip from her smoothie. "He has called me Alexa a few times but he mostly calls me Kennedy. He sais it's not safe to use my real name in the public yet. Especially considering that the serial killer said that A. Rose Simmons is next. My name is Alexa Rose Simmons. I'm supposed to be the next victim."

I had told them about the killer. Lincoln had already told Kendra and after Harry checked all the files and stuff about Mika he decided we could trust her. She was into illegal stuff herself too but she currently wasn't working for anyone and her previous employees had nothing to do with our enemies.

The only thing thing about her that kinda concerned Harry was her boyfriend. He said that he was just bad news and nothing more.

The only things she told us about hims is that his name is Louis and he works as a drug dealer. He was in Dubai but he'd come to Vegas within a few days.

Louis the drug dealer.

I know.

Weird coincidence.

I pulled out in the parking of the club and then we all walked inside like we owned the place. Everyone was used to me and Kendra by now.

It was only noon and the club was closed. The only people that were there where the ones that did the illegal parts such us the drug and arms trafficking and stuff. To my surprise Mick, who was also here, informed me that Harry was absent too because he was running some errands but he would be back in no time.

The girls made themselves comfortable in a booth but before I could sit next to them my phone rung. The number was hidden but I still picked it up. "Hello?" An unfamiliar deep male voice responded.

"Hello, Alexa."

He knew my real name! That couldn't possibly be good.

I excused myself and walked away without hanging up. "Who is this?" I found myself entering Harry's office. The door was locked but I had a key. I was the only one other than him that had a key.

"I think your dear boyfriend has talked to you about me. I've warned him that you would be the next."

The killer.

"What do you want?" I subconsciously put my hand on my pocket, feeling the sharp blade of the scalpel. "I just want to ask you a question. What's your favourite scary movie?"


"Are you reading the script of Scream right now? Ghostface shouldn't be your idol. He may was iconic but he didn't do the job right." I heard him chuckling from the other side of the line. "I just wanted to make this a little more fun and creative. I thought you would like it since Scream is your favourite movie. I can assure you that I know how to do the job correctly."

I pulled out the scalpel and held it tightly. "Listen to me, you little bitch. Apparently you know that I've watched Scream too. I've picked up some quotes. Leave me alone or I'll cut you like a fish. Understood?"

He laughed! He actually laughed. I wasn't really surprised. People never took me seriously. But I was offended.

"Calm down, little psycho.You shouldn't be the one threatening me. I have an advantage." I stayed silent and waited for him to continue, never loosening my grip on the scalpel. "You're in Styles' office. You left your friends alone in the main area. Right now they're laughing together, looking so helpless."

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