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Kennedy Simmons

"Three more laps!" Zayn screamed excitedly.

We were currently on a race and let me tell you that it was ten times better than the previous time. This time I knew exactly who I was cheering for and I knew what was happening.

Harry's McLaren was first and it was clear to everyone that he would be the winner again. I could see the people putting bets on him. The amount of money was crazy but those rich people only cared about getting richer and putting their money on Harry was the only safe option.

The crowd was going crazy. I could hear the high-pitched screams of countless girls who looked absolutely crazy for him. Knowing Harry, I was one hundred percent sure he would have fun tonight.

Tonight's race was way more interesting than the previous one. The competition was really intense but Harry had effortlessly managed to handle it like a pro. He seemed to enjoy it too. It looked fun, to be fair. The speed and adrenaline could be addictive.

"Come on Harry fucking Styles!" Zayn screamed on top of his lungs. By the time Harry was already on the final lap and it was just a matter of a few seconds until he was officially the winner. There was no way anyone would manage to catch up, let alone beat him.

This was Harry's game and he was an ace at it.

When Harry passed the finish line me, Zayn and the whole team started jumping and screaming the champions name. The crowd did the same. All of them except for the people who had put bets against him at the beginning. Those people lost a lot of money.

Sucks for them.

The crowd surrounded Harry and started congratuing him but, just like last time, he looked unfazed. I mean, I couldn't really see his face because he was still wearing the helmet but I could tell by his body language. He pushed the crowd aside and walked to us. After the whole crew congratulated him he approached me and Zayn.

He finally took his helmet off. His hair were messy and they were falling all over his face and shoulders. He was sweaty but he didn't seem tired in the slightest. The black uniform was hugging his fit body perfectly. He was hot and if anyone'd say otherwise they would be lying.

"Good job, Styles." Zayn said and hit his back playfully. "Thanks man." Zayn took Harry's helmet and walked away leaving me alone with Harry. "Did I impress you yet, little K?" He winked at me making me roll my eyes. "Yes, Harry. You did impress me. You did a pretty good job out there." I gave him a bottle of water and he took a big sip. "I always do, flower. I'm the best."

This man and his ego...

"So, we're going to my after party at Zayn's right?" he asked a smirk appearing on his face. I couldn't help but blush recalling the memories of the last time we were there. "Ughm... Yeah. We're going. I mean, I don't really have a choice." He laughed a little at how uncomfortable I looked. "Oh come on, Ken! You have to let loose and have some fun. That's what you did last time, if I'm not mistaken."

That's exactly what I had done and of course he would remember it.

I decided not to reply and just do my job. I motioned him to sit on a chair. After he did I raised his sleeve and checked his cut. Thankfully it was healing and I knew that it would be okay in no time. He was lucky it hadn't affect his driving. "You're good." He thanked me and then walked to the drivers' changing room.

By the time he came back the whole team had left except me because Harry was my ride for the night.

During those minutes he had taken a shower and changed clothes. As usual, he was wearing black tight ripped jeans and a black half-buttoned shirt that revealed some of his tattoos. His dump hair were on a messy bun. As always he looked good. I don't think he could ever not look good.

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