136 10 10

Kennedy Simmons

When I woke up I didn't feel as hangover as I thought I would. I was so thankful of that since I couldn't stand feeling any kind of pain or annoyance.

I took a quick shower and then I put on a light blue dress with a black Dior belt and Dior booties.

Did I mention that I spent all the money Harry had given me in super expensive things?

Hell yeah I did!

I put my blond hair in a ponytail and applied light makeup. I wasn't planning on going anywhere special but I liked to look good. I was doing that for myself and only.

I never considered myself beautiful. Not at all. But I always knew that my sense of style and makeup skills were impeccable.

I went to the kitchen and served myself a cup of coffee. Then I sat on the coffee table and drunk it slowly while eating some cookies that I had found.

"Morning, cupcake!" Charlie greeted me when he entered the room. He went through the fridge and made something that most people would consider inedible. Then he sat next to me and started eating that disgusting thing.

A few moments later Lincoln joined us. He ate too but, unlike Charlie, he ate something normal and, unlike me, nutritional.

Harry hadn't joined us and I didn't know wether that it was good or bad. On the one hand it was good because I couldn't face him after our moment yesterday that I, unfortunately, remembered. On the other hand if he didn't come it probably meant that he remembered too and he was avoiding me and that would make everything way more awkward than it already was.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone bipping indicating that someone had just texted me.

'Meet me outside yesterday's club at 10 p.m. I'll take you out. :) -Archie'

I smiled to myself thinking of Archie. I was so happy to see him again. He was an adorable guy and I had really missed him.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door closing with force. At first I was scared that someone had broken into but Charlie and Lincoln looked completely unfazed so I relaxed too.

"He's not in the best mood, huh?" Lincoln asked Charlie. "We're talking about Harry Styles. When is he in a good mood?" Charlie replied.

So he was out. That's why he didn't join us.

That didn't make anything better. It probably meant that he had gotten out in order to avoid me because he remembered everything that had happened last night.

I really hoped he didn't.

"So, Kennedy, tomorrow I'm going to your city. What do you want me to bring you?" Lincoln asked me a moment later. "I'll text you the address of my home and I'll give you the key. The apartment was too small and there was no place for any of my stuff so they're already in boxes. I want you to bring me those boxes." I said. He immediately nodded and gave me his usual friendly smile.

"So... Ughm... Are we going to the club today?" I asked. "No. We have no reason to be there. Plus, mr Grumpy Face doesn't want us being there all the time." Charlie replied. "Oh ok."

Perfect... I have to take an Uber. Actually no. I don't have money for an Uber. I have to take the bus.

Fucking perfect!

A few minutes later Harry entered the kitchen too. His long curls were wet indicating that he had just taken a shower. He opened the fridge and took out the bottle of orange juice. He poured some in a glass and then put it back on the fridge.

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