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Kennedy Simmons

Life sucks and then you die.

That was my motto my whole life.

My whole life had been boring and awful.

Actually it wasn't just awful.

It was a living hell.

A living hell and sometimes I felt like I was the Devil.

Not the life anyone would want. Nothing exciting has ever happened and all I felt was pain and ignorance.

I have lived in this world for 20 fucking years and the most exciting thing that has happened to me is getting a full scholarship in Stanford University when I was 15 and later a full scholarship on Harvard University when I was 17.

You guessed right.

I'm a genious.

My IQ is 170. I have already 4 PhDs. Most people would think that's impressive but I never had anyone to congratulate me or celebrate my success with me.

At this point I don't think beeing happy is something real. Happiness is just for the books and movies.

The thing is, when you live in a world that everyone is stupid you get bored. really bored. So that's another reason I believe that this world is just a torture until you die.

I don't have friends and I don't have a boyfriend -at least not anymore. I don't have parents. I don't have family. I don't have people that care about me. Not anymore. I used to have but I did the best I could to push them away.

I'm alone but I don't care. Not anymore. I'm so used to it. People like me are supposed to be alone after all.

I've learned the hard way that life is not a fairytale. You have to fight in order to survive and you have to do it alone. Depending on anyone is a mistake. At the end they'll betray you.

Today I was extremely bored again so I waited until it got late enough for me to to go out.

For the past week I had been waiting for something exciting to happen but lately nothing went as planned.

I just wanted some attention from some particular people but these days you can even put a gangster's warehouse on fire and get away with it. You can pretty literally get away with anything.


Note. I'm not saying I did something bad... I'm not saying I didn't do anything either because if I say I didn't I'll sound boring.

I was currently lying on the floor and I had spent around me countless papers full with my notes and books and I was saying out loud everything that was written in them.

I had memorized every single page, every single word or even letter and I could recreate every picture on my head.

I was fascinated with it and the potential of a job like that were endless. It would make a difference. Maybe not a huge one that would have my name written with golden letters in the pages of history books but it would definitely affect someone's life and probably change them.

But of course no one would hire me.

They said I was way too young and they refused to believe that someone like me would actually have degrees.

To be fair I couldn't really blame them. Everyone who actually knew me was aware that I could be the definition of trouble. They said I had a little devil inside of me and they had valid reasons to believe that.

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