102 10 8

Harry Styles

What did I expect?

Her staying here with me and continuing partying?

She would find out at some point anyway. It was probably better it happened so soon.

"She left?" Mick's voice was heard. I hadn't realized that I had been staring at the corridor from where she left for that long. It had probably be around 15 minutes or even more. Mick was now standing next to me.

"Yes. She did. What else would she do? Stay with the killer?" In my voice there was a hint of sarcasm. That was my failed attempt to lighten my own mood.

"Harry, she lives with the killer." Mick reminded me. "Not anymore. I'm moving to my own place again. She can stay with Charlie and Lincoln. Lin has almost never killed anyone and the amount of people Charlie has killed is incredibly small, especially comparing it with the amount of people that I have killed."

I pulled the pack of cigarettes out of my pocket. I placed one between my lips and lit it with my golden lighter with the engraved snake on it that matched my ring.

I took a puff and then I exhaled the thick cloud of smoke.

"I'm finally free!" I said, a smile forming on my face. "Lincoln insisted on me staying with them but jow that she's afraid of me they won't want me to scare her away. The fools care for the girly."

Mick gave me a disapproving look. "That girly is smart. Really smart. Maybe she could be useful. She could work with Ansel."

I hadn't thought of that earlier but it was a good idea. Maybe she would finally turn out not to be so useless and a waste of space.

I knew she wasn't just a pretty face but I hadn't considered earlier that her intelligence and knowledge could help me.

"You like her, don't you?" Mick asked. "No. I don't give a shit about her. Moreover, she has a boyfriend and she's fucking loyal. It's just that... She's like... I don't know how to describe it. She drives me insane."

I took another puff and watched the smoke leaving from my lips before speaking again.

"One time. I want to have her one time in order to get it out of my system and then she can dissapear. I don't give a shit. I'll move to the next just like I do every time."

I was honest. I never cared about anyone. I wasn't going to care about her. Yes, I was physically attracted to her but that didn't mean anything. She would be just a quick fuck.

I was sure she would feel good. I just knew it. Pleasure during sex was one of the things I allowed myself to feel.

"You'd see that's the only thing I want with her if you observed instead of beeing too busy underestimating her." I mumbled. He patted my back and rolled his eyes. "Sorry man. Didn't know that the chick was so special."

Was she special?


She was just a random chick that I had to kidnap in order to save myself. She was just a pretty face with brains. She just lived with us rent free. The only special thing about her was the way she talked and acted. There was something soothing about it but I genuinely didn't give a shit.

Maybe I should stay away from her. I would survive without fucking her. It's jot like she was so special and precious.

If it was up to me she would be long gone.

I wouldn't waste my time nor money in her but Lincoln and Charlie insisted that I should make it up to her.

I didn't care for her forgiveness. She could hate me so much that in her dreams she would be stabbing me and again and again but I still wouldn't give a shit.

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