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Kennedy Simmons

Never thought I would spend my lunch break in the hospital with Harry, eating pizza together in my office but here we are and honestly I wouldn't change that.

"You know, you look good in scrubs. You have this nerdy vibe and it's hot as fuck." He stated. "Too bad that most your patients don't get to enjoy it since the only thing in their mind is wether they'll survive or the effects of their surgery."

I smirk formed on his lips as he said the next words. "And too bad for those who get to enjoy you because they can see but they definitely cannot touch. I'm the one taking off you those scrubs and what's underneath is way hotter."

I glared at him playfully, making his smirk grow even bigger. He took my hand and tugged it gently, pulling me closer to him until I was sitting on his lap on this familiar couch.

He captured my lips with his own, moving them in a slow and sensual way. I kissed him back, showing the exact same amount of passion, but before this could get heated I pulled my lips away but kept my face close to his.

"That body of yours is a view for my eyes only." He whispered before leaving one more quick kiss on my lips. "Possessive much?"

I was only joking but his face turned serious. "What is mine is mine only. I do not share. I think we've established that you, rose, are mine." I nodded and pecked his lips. "I'm all yours and you're all mine."

He smiled at my words and he was about to kiss me again when Ansel entered the office, without knocking may I add.

By now he was used to us even though he didn't necessarily like it or even approved. He had caught us kissing more times than I can count. At first it was awkward but now we're all used to it.

Ansel gave Harry an acknowledging glare that Harry gladly returned and then he turned to me. "Are you done for today, Ken?" I shook my head. "I have to check my regulars and then I'm done." He nodded and walked towards my office, leaving some papers there. "Can you sign those before leaving?" I gave him a lazy thumbs up and smiled. "Good."

He smiled at me one last time before walking out of the room, without even sparing a look in Harry's direction. Of course Harry couldn't care less about it.

"I guess my break is over." I unwillingly stood up and walked to my office. I collapsed in the chair and then pulled the papers in front of me and started reading them and signing.

Harry was watching me in silence. I was surprised he wasn't complaining about beeing bored or something to that effect. If anything, lately he had been pretty helpful. I always sent him to grab papers for me, sent messages to the other doctors or even patients etc.

I have to admit I really hated the office work but it was part of my job. Everyday I either had a stressfully day where people's lives depended on me or a boring day like today. Never something in the middle. I still loved it though.

When I was finally done, approximately half an hour later, I walked back to the couch and sat next to Harry.

He pulled me closer to him, placing his arm around my shoulders. I rested my head on his chest and allowed myself to relax.

"Your job sucks." I chuckled and shook his head. "You think that because you can't understand it." He shrugged his shoulders without saying anything else.

He left a long kiss on top of me head before resting his cheek against it and pressing me even harder against his body. I wrapped my hand around his waist, wanting to maintain this practically inexistent distance between us.

I didn't want to move ever again. I wanted to stay here with him for the rest of my life. I had never felt so safe and happy before.

Yes, I was happy. He made me happy and there was no point in denying it. I had embraced my feelings for him and in all honesty I wouldn't change a single thing.

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