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Kennedy Simmons

"We're back!" Charlie's voice echoed through the room and a second later Charlie and Lincoln appeared. Charlie was holding many shopping bags and he looked excited as hell. "Kenny, come here. We're going to do a fashion show right here right now and you'll be our model. I bought this clothes for you!" he said, his voice full with excitement.

No. Fucking. Way.

"I can't be a model, Charlie. I'm not tall or slim enough." I knew that this wasn't the best excuse but I couldn't think of anything else. "Come on! You're better than those models on TV. Your body is perfectly fine and the fact that you're so small makes you incredibly cute. You're a hot bitch and a cute cupcake at the same time! The perfect combination!"

Well, I may didn't make it clear enough but my main problem wasn't my body. My problem was that I didn't want to do the fashion show. I was a scientist. Not a model.

"Sorry, Charlie but I'm not interested." I didn't want to sound rude or give him the impression that I was ignoring him or that I didn't want to spend time with him doing what he liked but I absolutely hated the idea of me changing clothes again and again for absolutely no reason.

"Okay then but you're going to try them on at some point." he stated happily. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make cupcakes." he announced and left the room.

Would they be edible?


"Lincoln, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah sure."

We walked to Lincoln's laboratory in order to have some privacy and quiet but when Lincoln was about to close the door Harry blocked it with his foot. Then he opened the door, entered and closed it behind him.

Lincoln exhaled and rolled his eyes. "Harry we need to o talk." Harry took a seat on a chair completely ignoring him. "It's ok Lin. I've already talked with Harry about this."

I was slightly annoyed with the fact that Harry wouldn't leave me alone to talk with Lincoln but I decided against saying anything since I knew that it would be pointless. Harry would most probably ignore me like he did with Lincoln.

"So, what's up?" Lincoln asked. "I'll go straight to it. I need a job and since you're a scientist you may ne able to help me find one. I have degrees so hiring me won't be so difficult but I don't know were to look for a job here." He nodded adm thought of it for a moment. "I'm not exactly sure were a psychologist could work since I'm not familiar with that department but... Ughm..." He stopped and looked at Harry. "Can you leave? I really need to talk to her in private." Harry shook his negatively head without saying anything. "Please, Harry." I said. Harry looked at me for a moment and eventually he gave in. He left and close the door behind him but before he did so he gave Lincoln a death look.

"Listen, Ken, I've been to your house. I show exactly how you used to leave. This apartment was like a tiny, ancient basement that no people should leave in. You had no food in your fridge nor shelves and the only things you owned were three boxes with old stuff."

He didn't need to remind me how poor I was. How poor I still am. I'm poor although I live in a penthouse in Vegas and I own a Lamborghini. The house, those money in my new bank account, they're are all Harry's. I own nothing.

"What I'm trying to say is that you had nothing. Now we can provide you with everything. Try to take some time and relax without thinking of how to survive. You're a psychologist so you know better than anyone here that everyone needs an emotional break every now and then. Stop thinking about work and making ends meet."

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