115 7 4

Kennedy Simmons

This morning Harry wasn't home either. I was kinda surprised because he had told me he wanted to talk to me because he needed my help. It wasn't an unusual behaviour for him though so I didn't question it any more.

Today I had a night shift but it honestly felt like I didn't have work at all. Nothing special happened and all we did was chat, order pizza and gossip. I was happy we didn't have work because it meant no one was in pain or needed medical help. I liked knowing that people were healthy.

When I went back to the apartment it was already past midnight but I wasn't tired since I hadn't really done anything the whole day to tire me up.

I got to my room, changed into more comfortable clothes and then I decided to eat something. As I was walking across the living room I heard a familiar voice calling my name. "Motherfucker! You scared me!" Harry laughed a little at my reaction and then motioned me to sit on the couch right next to him.

"I need to talk to you about something." His face had turned serious and I knew serious conversions usually didn't have a nice outcome. "What?" I tried not to sound worried, scared or anything to that effect. "Listen... I don't like talking with others about my business but, considering Ansel is after you because of it, it concerns you."

Here we go...

Let's just say that I wasn't excited to talk about a scary looking man wanting to kill me.

"Clark is is the leader of a ring. Drug dealing and arms trafficking." he said. "Just like the one you're in?" He nodded his head. "Just like the one I'm in... But bigger. Way bigger. That means he has power and when an already dangerous man has power he becomes lethal. Clark is rotten. He had always been that way. He only cares about the money and the power he has and he wants more. It's never enough. Him and I have known eachother for years and we have history. I hate him more than anything and the feelings are mutual. He wants to see me suffer first and then destroy me completely. I don't care about it as long as it doesn't affect the people I care about like Charlie, Lincoln and Zayn. The only way we're all safe is if we take that rotten man down. That isn't easy though. He's up to something and we want to know what and stop it."

I listened to him carefully trying to connect any dots but I found that impossible. I couldn't comprehend what was going on and that was probably because I didn't know the whole story.

"But what does it have to do with me? Why am I involved?" I ask. "You see, he thinks you're involved with me. He thinks that by hurting you he's hurting me. That's why you're in danger. If his buisness expands we will be affected but you won't. That doesn't mean you'll be safe though. The only way you and the others are safe is if he's dead. Killing him isn't easy. It isn't a game. He is affiliated with other dangerous people and can easily destroy all of us."

"So you're telling me there's no hope."

"No. There's always a back door. We will find a way to destroy him but we need a plan. Unfortunately, we can't have an exact plan if we don't know what he's up to. What we know is that during that race he had his people driving and the next day he sent people to destroy our merchandise. That's how I got injured. He's been sabotaging us for quite some time. The people who were after me when we first met were his. Also, yesterday I was informed that his people have been taking part on all of the races for the past two months. We have to keep an eye on him... That's why I need to start racing again."

That's... good, I guess?

He liked racing, didn't he?

I was clueless. I had no idea where this was going or why he need my help. The more I tried to understand the more confused I got.

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