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Kennedy Simmons

Kendra and I had an amazing time together. I really needed that. Nothing in my life was stable. Nothing except her. She had been with me ever since I was 14 years old. She was always my rock so having her around made me feel so much better and safer.

After she left I started walking towards the apartment. It had already gotten dark but it wasn't too late. There were many people walking around. Each one of them was completely different from the other. That was one of the things I liked the most about Vegas; the diversity.

Suddenly my eyes caught a familiar figure standing in a corner and smoking. Harry. To be honest, at first I only noticed the smoke since the corner was really dark.

I tried to make out his face in the darkness and when I finally did I realised that his eyes were on me too.

I walked his way but before I could reach him he walked away. I quickened my pace. I knew that I would probably regret it but I wanted to talk to him.

"Harry, wait!" I said loud enough so he could hear me. "I want to talk to you. It's important." He stopped walking and turned around so he could face me. When I tried to get closer he took some steps backwards. I took the hint and stayed on the spot where I already was.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I overreacted." He exhaled and shook his head. "No need to apologize. Your reaction was understandable and normal." He kinda looked guilty and that made me feel even worse. "No. I need to apologize. This is your job and the guys told me why you had to do that. I have to admit that this isn't something I witness everyday and I'm not used to it so it scared me but I can put myself on your shoes. You have a reason to do it and I understand. That doesn't mean that I agree or that it doesn't scare me but I understand and that's why I'm apologizing."

Neither of us spoke for a moment. I waited for him to say something in response but all he did was look at the ground. We were still on the dark corner so I couldn't read hiss facial expression.

"I still believe that there's no reason for you to apologize but ok. I know that what I did wasn't something that people can truly understand but I really appreciate the fact that you try." He seemed sincere. It was like he wanted me to understand and the fact that I wasn't judging him was reassuring him.

"You know I won't hurt you - either me nor the guys - right?" I found myself nodding before even thinking of it. I knew that it sounded crazy but I was sure that for some reason they wouldn't hurt me. If they wanted to do so they would have done it a long time ago.

He sat on the doorstep of an abandoned house that was right behind us. I hesitantly sat next to him and watched the people passing.

"They can't see us. Everyone is too busy with their lives to observe what's in the dark." he mumbled. I looked at him and found him looking right back at me. "But you did saw me. You always notice even the smallest details. That's one thing that I really like about you."

He was right. No one even bothered to look our way. I always looked around and I thought that everyone did so but from all those people that walked just in front of us not even one bothered to take a glance our way. They were either looking at their phones or infront of them. They were missing on so many things and not just the details.

"Why were you in the dark in first place? Do you like it?" I asked. "No. I don't. Actually dark is my frenemy. I choose to be in the dark because from here I can see everyone and no one can see me."

Beeing the person that as a kid was always in the dark I could understand perfectly. While I was on foster homes and in the orphanage I used to always hide in the dark. I spent so many hours in the dark that my eyes had gotten incredibly used to it and it had became my second nature.

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