75 9 4

Kennedy Simmons

I woke up during the night and texted Ansel that I wouldn't go to work today. Now I had woken up by my phone beeping. It was him replying. He said that it was fine and he hoped I was ok.

That was one of the good things about Ansel.

He was like our best friend. Like our father. He didn't care about his buisness as much as he cared about each one of us. He always checked on us just to make sure we were ok, especially me since I was the youngest.

I turned off the phone since I didn't want anyone disturbing me and took a deep breath.

For the first time I actually looked at the space around me. The walls were painted white except for the ceiling that was black. Opposite the king-sized bed there was a huge window from where yesterday I could see a big part of the the city. At the moment it was closed. The window's frame was made from chestnut wood and there were no curtains.

The bed was made from the same kind of wood. On each side of it there were wooden nightstands and on both of them there were small white lamps.

On the corner there was a wooden bookcase full with many books from different kinds.

On the marble floor there was a light brown carpet. On the walls there were pictures of expensive cars and events that I assumed were races and some installed light brown shelves that matched the carpet. On the side wall there was a full body mirror whose frame was also made from a light-coloured wood. Last but not least, on the wall behind the bed there were painted many small flowers including daisies, tulips, lavenders but mostly roses. I had to admit that it was really beautiful.

This room felt more homey than the other rooms but still not cozy enough. I still liked it though.

When I finally got out of bed after some minutes of denial I walked to the living room. To my surprise, Harry was there and he was sleeping on the couch. He had a blanket covering his body and a pillow was under his head. For some reason he had spent the whole night in there.

What about his bedroom?

Wait a minute...

Did I sleep in his bedroom?

Oh no!

The last thing I wanted was to be an inconvenience. I felt incredibly bad especially considering that he didn't look comfortable at all. I had to somehow make it up to him but first I had to freshen up myself.

I went to his bedroom and made the bed. Then I gathered my stuff and borrowed a pair of his boxers. I went to the bathroom, took a quick shower and washed my teeth. The whole time I was in there I thought of ways I could return the favour. The only relatively good idea I had was making him breakfast.

When I was done I walked downstairs, to the living room but when I heard some voices I stopped in my tracks and did the first thing that came to my mind; I hid behind a wall.

"You can't come here uninvited!" Harry whispered-yelled. "Oh come on, mate! It's not the first time I'm doing it." I could easily recognise that voice. It was Zayn. "Unless... Is there anyone else here? Like a girl maybe?" Zayn said in a teasing manner. "It's none of your business. Now fuck off." Harry hissed between his teeth. "Okay. I get it. There's definitely a girl. Does she happen to have blond hair and the greenest eyes I have ever seen?" There was no response to that. "Oh look at you, Harold! You have a crush-" Before Zayn could finish his sentence Harry interrupted him. "I do not have a crush in her. I just felt bad about something that happened to her. Okay?"

Silence again.

"Chill out, man." Zayn's voice sounded calmer and there was no teasing this time. "Just remember what you do. Remember how your life is. Consider the hazards before you drag someone in it."

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