101 5 14

Harry Styles

I was covered in blood from head to toe but I didn't care. I didn't want to spent even some time to clean myself up, even a little, and change clothes. I gave no shit whether people would freak out when they'd see me. I was in a hurry.

Driving never ever felt that long and torturous before. I felt an incredible amount of anxiety combined with intense fear. Just the thought of what I had probably found out was killing me. It could ruin everything.

I could lose her!

Fuck! I could lose my life, my everything.

I was way too dependent on her to the point that I needed her more than the oxygen in my lungs. I didn't even bother to attempt making it sound less significant than it was. I was that whipped.

But I could lose her.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

The answer to everything was just in front of us all this time. I should have known. Maybe if I had found out earlier things wouldn't be that bad. I would either have time to fix everything or I wouldn't have fallen for her. Either way no one was going to get hurt but now... We were screwed.

After what felt like centuries and even more I pulled over in front of the hospital. I immediately run inside from the back door, not wanting Kennedy to know I was here. I wanted some more time and I needed to make sure before I'd tell her anything.

I run to Ansel's office but he wasn't there, instead there was another doctor. I knew him. He used to work for me until he got his degree. He still did various things for me too but his main job was in the hospital.

"Styles!" He exclaimed. "Where is Ansel?" I demanded to know. He looked at me up and down with his eyes widened and his mouth open. "I'll take you to him but I would advise you to change clothes first. You are completely covered in blood." He looked at me up and down as if he hadn't seen blood ever before. "I don't have time. I need to see him now." He nodding and motioned me to follow him.

On our way there everyone was staring at me with half fear and half concern in their eyes. Most of them were probably thinking that I was the one that had gotten hurt. The patients were terrified by the view and they tried to move their eyes away from me. The view was probably traumatizing for those innocent people but I gave no fuck.

Eventually we reached a dark room. In the other side of it there was glass that separated it from another room in a lower level. There was some relatively deem lighting coming from the other room. Ansel was standing in front of the glass and he was watching whatever was going on down there.

I motioned the doctor to fuck off and then I slammed the door closed and walked towards Ansel. "Garner." My voice was loud and angry, indicating that I was overwhelmed. "Styles." He didn't even bother to look at me so I walked closer.

When I was next to him he finally turned my way. He examined my appearance up and down with a kinda surprised look. "You walked around my hospital like this? You terrified my clients!" I rolled my eyes at that. "It's a hospital. What do they expect to see? Blood is normal." He didn't say anything for a moment because he knew I was right but he didn't drop it.

"Blood is normal but to some extent! You look like you jumped in a pull full with blood instead of water." A look of disgust took over his face. "I assume none of it is yours. Who did you kill?" Just the thought of the person I killed made me want to rip someone's throat. "The person who tried to kill my girlfriend in your hospital."

The look he had was immediately replaced with approval, probably for the first time ever, and he gave me a subtle nod. "I hope you made them suffer." He looked at me intensely, waiting for a response as if he needed that in order to find peace. "You can't even imagine."

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