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This is the last warning! From now on there are going to be numerous smut chapters just like this one.

Feel free to skip it if you want to.

Also, the chapters with heavy sexual content will be marked with a star (*).


Kennedy Simmons

The place was a mess.

From the moment we entered the house all I could see was drunk people almost having sex with eachother. None of them looked slightly civilised.

I could compare this place with a cage full with psychiatrically insane animals.

All I wanted to do was have fun for once but there was no one there I could do that with so I decided to enjoy my own company. I was used to it by now.

I got one shot and sat on a quiet corner hoping that no one would disturb me. I wasn't sure if I should drink it or not though. Drinking in such place wasn't the safest option. I would know. I was working in a hospital.

The people were going crazy. Everyone seemed happy but that was the most shallow thing ever. The next morning, when they will be sober again, all they're going to remember is the time between the first drinks and they're going to feel the aftermath of their actions. It's called hangover and it's a bitch. But that's not even the worse part. People tend to make bad decisions when they're drunk and then they have to face them.

That's why I preferred being cautious.

I didn't want any unexpected surprises in the morning. Drunken decisions can be either bad or absolutely awful. I couldn't deal with it. I had much more important issues.

"You're not gonna drink that?" Harry's deep voice was heard. I turned around and saw him resting his back on the wall. His arms were folded infront of his chest and his hair were kinda messy. He didn't seem drunk as I expected him to be by now. "It's all yours." I said offering him the shot. He drunk it quickly and then placed the glass on the floor.

I turned my attention back to the drunk people. They seemed crazy. It was like the smell of alcohol had them hypnotized and turned into cave people. Paranoia seemed to be the theme of the party.

"All this is so pointless." He whispered. I looked back at him again not expecting that to come out of his mouth out of all people. His eyes were glued on the crowd. Unlike them, he looked serious. There was no hint of insanity on him.

"It's pointless but it feels good... Too bad it's just temporary. Nothing feels truly good in this world." His words were the words of a secretly lost man. At least that's how it sounded. He didn't let anyone in, including me, so I couldn't make accurate conclusions about the mystery called Harry Styles.

"You just haven't found anything that feels good yet." He looked at me but the moment our eyes met I looked back at the lunatic crowd. "I haven't found anything that truly feels good yet either."

There was silence between us for a moment. Suddenly I felt his hands on my waist. He pulled me against his chest and leaned downwards until his mouth was close to my ear. "Nothing? How so? You don't look like the kind of people that doesn't find happiness." I shook my head slightly. "Many things make me happy... But this happiness never lasts. That doesn't mean I'm losing hope though."

He layed his head back against the wall but he didn't move his hands from my waist. "You're different. You see the world from a different point of view." he mumbled. "Everyone sees the world from a different point of view. The angle depends on what we've been through. Each person has different experiences hence different perspective."

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