158 11 14

Kennedy Simmons

Today I was planning to find out whether I could trust them or not.

Well to be honest, I would not trust them. I would just know wether they wanted me dead or not.

If they would let me do things such us go out alone, have a cellphone, call whoever I want and in general I was free that meant that I would believe they didn't want me dead and they didn't plan on hurting me in any way. Otherwise I had to find a way out as quick as possible.

I took a shower and put on the new clothes that Harry had given me. They were female clothes and I knew for a fact that one of the girls he was hooking up with had left them but he reassured me that they were clean.

I went to the kitchen and found Charlie, Harry and Lincoln there. Charlie was eating... something, Harry was drinking coffee and Lincoln was eating fruits. They were talking about something. Actually Charlie was telling them something and they were looking at him like he was crazy.

"Morning." I greeted them. "Good morning, cupcake." Charlie greeted me cheerfully. I cringed a little at the nickname but I decided to ignore it. Harry noticed my reaction and chuckled in amusement.

"Do you want coffee?" Lincoln asked. "Yes, Please." I replied cheerfully.

One thing you should know about me is that I absolutely love coffee. Even though it doesn't help me staying awake. I can literally drink any kind of coffee and then go to sleep. I just like its taste. Not like... Adore!

Lincoln purred some coffee in a cup and offered it to me. I gladly accepted it and took a ship. It was good. Really good actually.

"So... Ughm... I have to go out and buy some clothes." I announced. Harry looked sceptical for a moment but then he nodded. "Ok."

What? Just like that? I could may run away. Any conditions? Nothing?

"Okay. I'm going now." I said and started walking towards the door. I put on my jacket that I was wearing the day Harry kidnapped me and I opened the door. I was about to get out of the apartment but I was stopped by Harry calling my name.

I knew it wouldn't be that easy!

"Ken, wait. You don't have any money." He approached me while looking for something in his wallet. He pulled out a fair amount of money and handed it to me. "Also take this. It's a key to everything in this building. If the guards stop you show it to them and tell them that you're staying with us." He gave me a plastic card with some numbers on it.

What the actual fuck?

"So... Ughm... The money are too much. How much can I spent?" I asked hesitantly. "Spent all of them. Also buy a party dress. We're going out tonight. All of us. I almost forgot. Buy a phone and a laptop or something."

This is suspicious. Not only he let me go out but me also gave me a significant amount of money to spend and a key to everything in the building. Too suspicious in my opinion.

"Okay... So... I'm leaving now." I said dramatically and took a step away from him. Before I could walk further away he held my arm and stopped me. "Just so you know, my offer is still on. Just think about it." I nodded and walked out of the house.

That was not what normal kidnappers do.

I got out of the building and started walking slowly away. The whole time I was looking around and behind me. I was afraid that they would follow me or they would sent someone to kill me but that did not happen. I could go anywhere. I could do anything. I could even call the police and tell them everything that I knew. I wasn't going to do that though, at least not just yet.

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