this is a joke...right?

753 40 15

Omniscient pov:

It was the next day, after beyoncé and Onika talked yesterday they soon fell into a blissful slumber especially since everything was out in the open.

Onika was driving beyoncé to her therapist since she requested her to be there. Once they finally made it into her office there was a lady sitting in the spot Beyoncé usually sat in.

"are we to early?" Onika asked thinking they walked into someone's appointment.

"no this is the person i wanted beyoncé to meet...beyoncé do you know who this is?" Ms.Knowles asked lightly scared of the repercussions of her actions.

Beyoncé thought long and hard trying to remember her but couldn't. The woman was older maybe in her sixties.She had honey blonde hair that resembles beyoncé and hazel eyes. Now that onika is comparing there looks they looked really similar.

"No not that i can remember,who is this?" beyoncé asked sitting by onika.

"T-this is-" Solange was cut off by the older women.

"I'm your mother beyoncé" the older woman said quietly. The room was silent. You could only hear the short breaths beyoncé was taking in and out.

"W-what... t-this is a joke right you can't be s-serious" beyoncé said not believing in this made up fairy tale. How could she? Some random woman shows up and claims that's her mother even after she died in her arms.

"Beyoncé i'm serious i-i had to leave you i couldn't-i wasn't fit for you and-"

"so leaving me with your abusive husband for years was better?!" beyoncé sobbed out angrily she couldn't believe this she even took solange but not her."You even took solange and left me to die why come back now!? You left me to rot and didn't think to look back. I t-thought you were dead all my life!"

Beyoncé quickly stood up with tears onika followed trying to calm her down.

"it wasn't intentional i took solange because...because i was stupid and a bad mother to you i wasn't going to be any better then my late husband I'm so sorry bey " The older woman cried out begging for forgiveness but she knew this was going to be a long process and she was up for it. She could admit all the mistakes she has done or little beyoncé over and over again if she needs to as long as she gets her baby girl back.

"Don't. Dont call me that you don't have the right to call me that. You thought me staying with your a-alcoholic and abusive husband was better for me?? YOU even faked your d-death just to get away from me. I-i never asked for any of this why am i so unloveable i-i can't. Take me home nicki please" Beyoncé cried on onika shoulder as she rubbed her back.

" Ok come on mama it's gonna be ok" Onika whispered into her ear as she lead Beyoncé out the building.

Beyoncé and nicki stepped into the car before nicki could start driving beyoncé just broke down. Her loud sobs could be heard all around the car maybe even outside of it.

"it's okay baby i'm so sorry u have to go through this love it's gonna be okay tho" Onika said putting her into her lap while rubbing her back.

"I-i-" Beyoncé couldn't even finish her sentence as her cries were stopping her.

"It's okay baby i know shhhh you don't have to say anything mommy knows" Onika said trying to make her regress so she can relax.

" it's gonna all be okay my love"Onika whispered into her ear as she kissed her forehead rocking beyoncé to sleep.

Heyyyy y'all hope y'all like itttt i'm rlly getting better at writing let me know what y'all think...LOVE YALL

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