am i doing something wrong?

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"Ok we are done with this session uhm if its not to much do you think for the next session you can bring Onika? I have someone i would like you to meet." Solange said as she was cracking her knuckles. She looked nervous for some reason.

"Yes I can do that why though?"

"I feel like you would want her here when you meet them, but I'll see you next time Beyonce" Dr. Knowles said as she packed her things since i was her last client.

"Ok bye Solange" I say as I walk out and see Megan waiting for me at the entrance." Can you drop me off at wing stop first please?"

"Yea no problem" Megan says pulling off towards wing stop "So how are things going for you we haven't hanged out in forever."

"Yes, I've just been caught up with so much its just a lot for me ill try my best to be around more though." I said truthfully." Things are going alright im getting more comfortable around onika now"

She pulled and parked Infront of wing stop and smiled at me"how comfortable are y'all getting...did y'all have sex yet?"

i didn't respond as i hid my face away from her blushing profusely.
"OH MY GOD y'all totally fucked omg u have to tell me everything" Megan said getting comfortable in her seat like i was going to tell the most interesting story of all.

"i-i'm not telling u anything Megan i don't want to put our business out there" i said, this was true i didn't want to end up like them kids and tell relationships.

"ouuuu that pussy must be good u being all respectful and shit" Megan said hopping out the car and i followed suite.
I decided not to reply to her inappropriate comment and walking into wing stop getting onikas favorite order. I returned to megan's car as she drove me home and caught me up on everything going on in her life. Once i got home i seen Onika was still sleeping. Deciding to let her sleep i checked the time, it was currently 12 on the dot.

I was contemplating on letting her sleep this late but i guess she woke herself up.

"hi bey"she said groggily and stretched the sleep away rubbing her eyes.

"hi onika i got your favorite from wing stop when your done getting ready it's in the microwave" i said laying down in bed with her.

"thank you bey i appreciate it so much" she said and kisses my cheek as i blush "can you lay with me till i'm ready to get up"

"of course i can" i said laying on her stomach and playing with her fingers.

We sat there for a while basking in each other's warmth it felt good i really felt like i was loved by her and i could see it all around us. Later we both got up and i just did the same thing she did so it could feel like we woke up at the same time. She did my hair and we did a face mask while taking pictures together. After that she went to eat the food i got her and forced me to at least eat a wing and i complied.

"can you come to my next session" i said while her mouth was full of food just in case she said no "Solange said it would be better if you came with me because she wants to show me someone"

"of course i'll go with you" she said i nod in satisfaction as she gets up wiping her hands and throwing away the trash.

"i wanted to ask you something?" she said i grew nervous what if she doesn't want me anymore what if i'm to much for her. My mind was racing and i could feel myself wanting run away.

"calm down baby it's nothing to serious i promise" she said looking at me worriedly i relax a little and prompt her to go on.

" do not want to do the whole bdsm and mdlg stuff if u don't it's fine i get it but i was just saying you haven't been little in a while and i miss it plus u haven't signed yet and i'm just worried-"

" It's okay onika i do want to be with you and i haven't signed yet because i'm scared your not going to want me, i don't really know about mdlg because it was just introduced to me i don't know how to be little it just comes and go's i'm sorry about that." I said rubbing my thumb over her hand i didn't know she felt like this i thought i was always the nervous and rambling type but i guess not i like seeing onika vulnerable with me sometimes she acts like she has to be in charge all the time.

"oh i don't know i just got to thinking then my mind went wild" she chuckles sadly shaking her head " also i don't want to force u to be little or anything but usually when they are comfortable with their caregiver they regress more and more that's all"

"it's okay i get it" i said smiling at her.

The nerdOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora