mixed signals

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wheres my comments yall???



 I was sitting in the lunchroom waiting on Bey to see if she would finally talk to me. She had been ignoring me all day and it bothered me I didn't do anything to her. I see her walk into the lunchroom and look around. Her eyes meet mine but she keeps looking and looks way at the end of the room and smiles at someone before walking down to them. My eyebrows furrow why would she just skip over me and sit next to no one- wait there is someone over there. I see Bey and some hoe talking and laughing.

Who the hell is that?!  I think before Robyn sits next to me directing her eyes where I was looking before smirking at me.

"ooo trouble in paradise? or you just being obsessed over that gitl like she cant talk to people" Robyn said stealing half my tray.

"what if I wanted to eat that and I'm not obsessed at least I hope" She just laughs and hits her knee.

"can't be that funny and ain't you obsessed over whats her name?" I say thinking of all the times she be talking about this girl over face time.

"Lauren and she the popular one or whatever"

"wait did you just say laur-GCO" I could've sworn I heard that name from somewhere else.

"so yall talking about me" I'm assuming Lauren said with twiddle de and twiddle dumb behind her.

"gitl come sit down and stop acting like you going to do something" Robyn said which got me ready for fight or flight mode but Lauren just looked around and then sat down. What kind of spell do Robyn got?

" Wait Lauren you really about to listen to her?" one of her backup dancers said. Im just sitting here quiet and looking pretty this ain't got nothing to do with me.

"Yes and what about it?"

"uhm nothing we are just going to go" they said already walking off

"What I told you about being mean to people? You just got your ass in trouble" robyn said just taking my whole tray.

"damn what if I wanted to eat?" I said just joking I ain't want it anyway.

" girl shush you need to be talking to Bey why is she over there anyway" she said rubbing on Lauren's leg going higher and higher. Oh hell no she's not about to finger her right next to me.

"I would like to know to" I said getting up and walking where bey is know she see me coming.

"Hey bae why you didn't sit with me" I said sitting real close to Bey just to see what the other girl was working with but she didn't react at all she even looked happy. Maybe she was just a friend...

"h-hi" bey mumbled looking sad which confused both of us. Shes still acting so cold to me

"Bey whats wrong why wont you talk to me?"She just shrugs and takes a small bite of her food.

"can we at least talk about it? i don't want you mad at me forever" She nods and tells her friend shell be back. We walk out the lunchroom towards the field to sit on the bleachers.

"so? why are you mad at me"

"i-im not mad... I've j-just been t-thinking about my l-life" She said looking down at the bleachers counting the lines on them. Another thing I've noticed when she lies she will try to distract herself. It seems like she doesn't really want to talk about it so I'm not going to push it.

"Ok baby just don't take it out on me I want to try to make your life better then anything else ok?" I said looking into her eyes.


"we cool?"


"Beyonce speak when I'm talking to you" I said sternly I was getting agitated with these little replies.

"yes mommy" she said looking down she still gets a little embarrassed when she calls me 'mommy' I think its the cutest thing ever!

"ok if your ever sad or anything tell me I promise ill try my best to make it better" as soon as I finished talking the bell rung. We went our separate ways and went to class.


love this chapter idk why also please comment I know its short but when I write on one chapter for to long I get writers block so yea. Stay safe yall!!

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