Part 65: Can You Stop!?!

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Avoiding the obvious is difficult when everything is working against you.

As if God was trying to not only test my patience- with Max- he was also trying my patience with nature itself.

All this past week being home- has been more annoying than it was worth.

The kids constantly wanted up- which they weren't allowed to be.

They constantly kept trying to rough house with me—and when I say they, I really mean Zep.

And my Mum's constant need to ask damning questions has drove me up the wall and out the chimney and now I am trying to just do all I can to find the ground again.

Max- as sweet as he is has no control over these children- let alone himself.

The whole: hands off daytime rule has immediately gone out the window and everyone—I mean everyone in the house has taken notice.

So much so, that both children have found this to be a game of 'who can touch Mum's tummy the longest'.

Zep finds it immensely funny to keep sticking his finger in my belly button and Luna tries to just lounge on me.

If Max thought being off for a week was going to be stress free and peaceful for me: well he was bloody wrong!

"Mummy!" Zep come hustling over to me this morning as fast as his wobbly little legs can carry him.

"Hi, Baby Boy!" I say and before he can smile or give his normal happy response - of some garbled words-  Bandit is nipping at his bum. "Bandit! No!"

I scold the dog as I scoop up my son and place him on the couch. The dog tries its best to get up on the couch, but is unable too- to it yips at us.

"Did he hurt your bum?" I turn Zep to look at his bottom and I nearly lose my mind. "Well no wonder he's nipping at you."

Zep starts giggling as I reach in his diaper and pull out the bunny dog toy Max picked up for the puppies. Handing the bunny back to Bandit- he takes it happily and shakes it in his mouth before running off to find some place to lay down and chew on it.

"No bunnies in your bum- Mister."

"Bummy." Zep says before lifting my shirt up.

"Excuse me, Sir. No thank you." I say and try to lower my shirt- but the second it's back down, he lifts it up again. Sighing heavily, I stare at the mantle across the room from me and feel as if the only way to get away from being touched- is finding a remote island somewhere and getting marooned on it.

"Tummy." He pokes his finger in my belly button and I cringe slightly because nothing should be going in there—EVER!

"Zeppy, please. Leave Mummy's Tummy alone." I put my shirt back down, but the second it is- Zep lifts it up once more and now puts his face down on it- as if trying to crack the code to reveal my secret. "Zep."

Though, he doesn't move from my stomach or garble anything at me, I can tell he's up to something. He just lays there. His finger slowly inching towards my belly button. He obviously thinks because his heads in the way of me seeing it- that I certainly couldn't feel his finger going into it.


"Zephyrus James!" I yell slightly- finally having enough of his obtrusive touching. The whole house- which was already fairly quiet to begin with- is now beyond silence. Not even Bandit or Chili make a noise with their chewing. Zep sits up and looks at me queerly- his finger just barely gracing the side of my belly button. Not fully in, but not necessary out of it either.

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