Chapter 59-Warnings

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Hearing my name, I turned and saw Morpheus and Phobetor walking toward me. Well this can't be good.

"Um, this feels ominous."

They exchanged looks before looking at me. Suddenly, the scenery changes to the Han River Park. There are two benches facing each other. Morpheus took a seat and motioned for me to sit beside him. Phobetor takes the seat across from us.

"So, will you guys tell me why you are suddenly buddy-buddy and visiting me together?"

"I need you to listen to me carefully. We don't have much time. We shouldn't be here."

"You are starting to scare me, Morpheus."

"You remember the nightmare I gave you about Doctor Hwan?" Phobetor asks.

"Yeah," I say hesitantly.

"He is not who he appears." He says, seeming conflicted.

"You cannot be alone with him or take anything he gives you. Nothing to eat or drink. No medicine." Morpheus.

"I mean, I just finished the medicine he prescribed for me being sick."

"Nothing else. Avoid him at all costs."

"But wh-"

"I'm sorry, dear. I cannot tell you more. We are risking much by coming to you with this. Phobetor planted a nightmare to warn the guys, but it is imperative that you listen to me."

"You can't give me anything else?" I ask.

"No, but if you never remember anything else, should anything ever happen, try your best to fall asleep. I will find you and do everything within my power to help you."

"Okay, I don't like this. Now you are actually scaring me."

They both shake their heads. Suddenly, they both sit up and stop talking. They stand and turn toward a gentleman who is walking toward us. He carries himself with a sense of royalty. He stops in front of us and looking at me, he bows.

"Dear Ava, allow me to introduce myself. I am Zeus."

I can't say anything. I simply bow at him as well, unsure of the protocol for meeting a god. He looks at the two men who have now angled their bodies in front of mine somewhat.

"You two gentlemen wouldn't be meddling now would you?"

"No, we were simply visiting a friend. It has been quite a while, and she has not had the easiest time of late." Morpheus states.

"I allow this relationship because of who she is and who her mother was to you. Do not make me forget it. Come, let us go and leave her to sleep in peace."

It sounds like an invitation, but I see it as the threatening command it is. Morpheus turns and gives me a hug.

"Remember." He whispers.

When he releases me, Phobetor takes my hand, kisses the back of it, and bows. In his eyes, I see the promise he made.

I wake with a start and try to sit up in the bed. Looking around, I see the guys all entangled on the bed, still sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, Joon, who is right beside me, sits up and looks around wildly. When his eyes land on me, he crawls up the bed and takes my head in his hands, scanning my face and then my body. Once he is satisfied that I am fine, he relaxes a little, and his arms go around my waist, and his head goes into my lap.

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