Chapter 26-Judgement

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I am woken up by the need to pee. I sit up and stretch, being easy, seeing that Joon is asleep. I stand up and head to the bathroom. When I come out, I see that almost everyone is asleep except for Jin. I go and sit beside him on the couch.

"Hello, love. Did you have a good nap?"

"I did. Aren't you sleepy?" I ask.

"I actually haven't been awake long. Do you want to work on my part now?"

I tell him yes and get up to grab my iPad and come back. He talks about wanting to be an actor and how he turned down the first offer he had for K-Pop, thinking it was a scam. He went on to university. A rep from Big Hit approached him and talked him into auditioning, and the rest is history. We sat and talked about the tour and the different things we would like to see in each city. All of a sudden, Joon sits up straight and calls my name. I get up and rush over.

"Joon, what's wrong? I'm right here." I say, coming to stand beside him.

He looks at me and pulls me into his lap.

"I had a...a bad dream, is all."

"Want to talk about it?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair.

"I was standing there with you, beside a river, underneath some cherry blossom trees. That man, you know, the one that I told you about, he suddenly appeared. He said that I didn't deserve you because I caused you too much pain. He pulled you away, and I was pleading with him, telling him that I would never hurt you.

Then, all of a sudden, I was standing in the middle of a forest. The man appears again and tells me that if I am not careful that will be the outcome. He will not leave you with us if we cannot protect and treat you right like it was a warning and a plea at the same time. He was sad, and I could tell he didn't want to do that."

"Joon, I am right here, and I am fine, and everything is okay. Don't worry about anything, okay? One day at a time." I tell him and lean in to kiss him.

He shifts in the seat to lean forward, puts his head on my chest, and holds me to him. All of a sudden, the others wake up the same way. They are all searching for me and relax a little when they see I am there and completely fine. Although the setting was a little different, all of the other members described almost the exact same dream. Hmm. Looks like Morpheus and I need to have a little chat.

Since everyone is awake and no one wants to go back to sleep, we decide to eat something. Once all of our bellies are full, we talk about what will happen when we arrive. We will all head straight to the hotel. I will have my own room, and the guys will double up. Tae won some kind of game, and he gets to room by himself. It is nearly 11:00 PM when we arrive at LaGuardia. Even though I slept more on the plane, I feel like I am dragging. I am checking my reflection in the mirror before we leave the plane.

"You look beautiful," Joon says, coming up behind me; he wraps his arms around my waist. "Come on, let's get to the hotel so we can all relax and get out of these clothes."

"Mr Kim, I am shocked," I say.

"I mean so everyone can shower and get comfortable. What did you think I meant?" He says with mock innocence and hurt.

I just shake my head at him as he grabs my hand before pulling me out towards the door of the plane. I stop, and Hobi puts my beanie and mask back on. We exit the plane, and once we hit the inside of the airport, we get into the same formation as before. There are fans here as well, but it doesn't seem nearly as intense. Once we are in the car headed to the hotel, I take my phone out and text Jess.

I had told her I was coming for a visit, but I would be working, so I didn't have a lot of extra time. I had to argue with her because she kept insisting that I stay with her. I explained that I would need to be on call of sorts for work and that I would come to visit her, and I had a surprise. Once I send the text, I pull up my Instagram and go to the ARMY page I follow. I see a picture of us at the airport, and I go to the comments, but my phone is pulled from my hand. I turn my head to look at Yoongi, who is beside me.

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