Chapter 56-A Little Push

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Three weeks later

It is the day of the tour's last concert. We are in Seoul and have been staying in a hotel to allow the "surprise" the guys have for me to be finished. I have been able to finish most of the book portion about the touring and concerts. Yesterday, I sent an email to a few people for the book who have been instrumental in the success of BTS to schedule interviews. Then, I need to dig up some older photos and do my final interview of the guys so I can start putting things together.

I am currently sitting on the edge of the stage, swinging my legs back and forth in an empty arena, waiting for them to come out. It is approaching the end of summer, and we are in the hottest days. I am wearing a pair of cutoff jeans shorts and a black tank top with my Vans. My hair is pulled up in a ponytail, and I have Yoongi's black Vans Mastermind baseball hat on. I am working on making some edits. The guys gave me a few things they wanted added or changed to their section. Legs appear on either side of me, encasing me, and arms go around my shoulders as someone takes a seat behind me.

"Hey, Kookie," I say without having to look.

"Hey, honey. Whatcha doin'?"

"Just some editing."

I turn my face towards his and am rewarded with a kiss.

"I like this hat on you." He says, tapping the bill.

"I am in love with those shorts," Tae states.

I look down and see him standing at the edge of the stage, looking up at me, making me roll my eyes at him.


His eyebrows lift, and he looks at Kook behind me, who then takes my laptop from me, setting it down gently. Standing, he holds his hands out and helps me stand. Once I am standing, he bends and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I place my hands on the back of his waist to steady myself.

"Put me down."

"Nope." He slaps me on the ass. "Ah, Hobi. Just the man I wanted to see. Your sweet girl here just rolled her eyes at Tae."

"Is that a fact?" I hear, and his feet come into my view.

He crouches down to look up at me since I am upside down.

"Now, why would she do that?"

"I told her I loved her shorts. She rolled her eyes and said 'whatever'." Tae says, mocking me.

"Hmm, an eye roll and a disparaging remark, tsk tsk. Making my palm twitch here." He gives me a smirk.

He stands, and I feel another slap reign down on my ass, knowing immediately it is Hobi because of the effort behind it. I shift a little, and Kook puts me down. I am then met with the heated gazes of three of my soulmates.

"Can I get back to work now? Some of us have to do actual work and are but humble, average-looking people. We can't all be so gorgeous and be adored by millions of people on stage."

Hobi tilts his head and narrows his eyes before letting his tongue trace his bottom lip. Oops. I turn and take off running. I get halfway down the stage and run into Joon, almost knocking him over. Grabbing my shoulders to steady me, he looks behind me at Hobi chasing after me.

"What did you do?" He asks me, smiling.

"N-nothing." I say, giving him my most innocent look.

"Hmm, Hobi's face says different."

He turns me around so that my back is now to his chest, and I am facing Hobi, who has stopped running and is now stalking towards me. Joon sneezes to the side, accidentally loosening his hands on my shoulders, allowing me to slip from his grasp. I am not looking where I am going, and I run straight into Yoongi, knocking him over. He ends up on his back, and I am straddling him, holding myself up with my hands on either side of his face.

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