Chapter 58-Addressing Issues

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Even though the guys have 3 weeks off, a few days later, I find myself at Hybe, having measurements being taken. They aren't telling us what we will be wearing but have been asking us a few preference questions. What colors do we prefer? Are we opposed to any specific type of clothing? It takes everything in me not to try to suck in my stomach. After the measurements, the guys sternly told me I needed to go home and rest. Yoongi grabs my hand and pulls me out into the hallway with the other guys behind me. Halfway to the elevator, we run into Doctor Hwan.

"Ah, Ava. How are you?" His eyes go to my hand, which is intertwined with Yoongi's, and I feel his hand tighten on mine.

"Doctor Hwan, I am doing much better. Thank you."

"Great, you still have my number if you ever need anything." He glances at Yoongi and then the guys before adding. "No matter the issue."

The guy's got balls. I'll give him that. As he passes, he reaches out and pats me on the shoulder, and I see out of the corner of my eye that Jungkook has stepped out half a step, so when he walks by him, he shoulder checks him.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook. I didn't realize I was so close." Doctor Hwans says.

"Mistakes happen. Next time, maybe just don't get so close to people, and that kind of thing can be avoided."

Doctor Hwan's eyes widened slightly, but I felt like the warning was received and understood. Once in the elevator, Kook and Joon positioned themselves in front of me, Yoongi, who had not let go of my hand.

"I really don't like that guy." I hear Tae say from behind me.

"Yeah, there will be a conversation with Manager Lee regarding him, I assure you," Joon states.

When we arrive home, it is still early afternoon. I take a seat on the couch and flip the TV on, looking for a movie. The guys come in, and all stand in front of me, blocking my view of the TV. I look up at Hobi, who is standing in the center, directly in front of me. Now, I know I need to keep my damn mouth shut. I dug a little bit of a grave when I was sick, and now that I am better, they have come to address their issues. I know this, okay? But it has been a while since I went total brat, and honestly, I could use a little... playtime.

"I think I might go spend some time reading," I say, getting up and trying to walk past the guys.

An arm bands around my waist, pulling me back.

"Oh, no, you don't."

I am plopped back on the couch and tried to hide my giggle.

"Now, let's review the list, shall we? First, you didn't tell us as soon as you started feeling bad, and Joon found you passed out in the floor."

"I was SLEEPING. Not passed out." I say, crossing my arms."

"You put yourself down."

"Pfft." His eyes darken, and I swallow hard.

"And then you went and told Jin and Joon you hated them while they were trying to take care of you. " Hobi says.

"I was joking."

"Don't forget, she doesn't think she is good enough to be involved in the book." Jin says from behind him.

"Technically, I never said that." But of course, I thought it. I shrug my shoulders at them.

"Hmm, feeling bratty today are we? I think we can handle that."

Joon walks over and gets on his knees on the floor in front of me.

"I thought I was told I had to come home and rest."

Joon shakes his head and smirks. "Just remember, you asked for it." He says.

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