Chapter 40-Free Day

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Jungkook POV

I sit by myself for the rest of the flight. Once we check in to the hotel, I head to my room. Tae is rooming with me, and he follows me silently. Once inside, I drop my stuff and lie down on the bed facing the wall.

I am standing on the balcony of my hotel room. I turn and see my body asleep on the bed.

"What in the world."


I turn to my left, and there is a man standing there. He is in all black with black hair and pale skin. He looks so familiar, but I can't place him. Then it hits me.

"The guy from my dream about Ava, Morpheus."


"Ok, and what do you want with me?"

"I am the god of dreams."

"So you are the one responsible for Ava's dreams lately?" My blood begins to boil.

"No. That is my brother Phobetor. He wants to take over the Dreaming. He has been giving Ava nightmares to try to get me to step down."

"What does Ava have to do with any of that?"

"That is a long story, but she is like a daughter to me.. The reason I am here is you."


"Yes. Ava is struggling more than you realize. She has not told you everything about her dreams. She is trying really hard to push past them, but they are extremely realistic, and they play on her biggest fears."

"Which are?"

"In general, not being worthy of love. More specifically, she is terrified of losing you guys. Of you deciding you don't love her and that you no longer find her attractive. So, your little outburst on the plane just fuels that fear."

"How did yo-"

"I see more than you realize. The good and the bad. Sometimes things I wish I could wash from my brain."

He says, giving me a knowing look. I look down, trying to hide my smirk.

"She needs all of you to be able to get through this. She needs to know that you love her and desire her and are willing to not only protect her but stay by her side no matter what you or she faces."

I nod in understanding. He walks over and places his hand on my shoulder.

"I will tell you what I told her when you all met: her biggest obstacle is trusting people. You must remind her that she can trust others and lean on you for support. In order to do that, you must fix this rift you have created."

I nod at his words. "So, since she is like a daughter to you, should I call you dad?"

He chuckles and then squeezes my shoulder hard. "No need to get cheeky, Jungkook."

I wake with a start, the remnants of my dream lingering. I immediately get up and go in search of Ava. When I step into the hall, I see Joon.

"Hey, Joon, which room is Ava's?"


I have been sitting here going over what Phobetor and Morpheus said, trying to figure something out. There is a knock on the door. Figuring it is probably Jin trying to feed me, I don't even check before I open the door. Cracking the door, I turned and walked back to the bed where I was sitting. I hear the door close, and then Jungkook is standing in front of me.

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