Chapter 17-Hobi

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After hanging up with Jimin, I climbed out and threw on my underwear and t-shirt. I turn on my fireplace and take my laptop, iPad, and phone to the living room. The desk in my bedroom is nice, but I have never been a desk person.

I sit on the floor and set my laptop on the coffee table. I take out my iPad and flip to the notes I took with Joon. I get about halfway through my notes and hear my phone ding.

Hobi: So, since I am next and I have all day tomorrow 

free, I was wondering if you wanted to work on my part?

Me: That sounds good. I am free all day. What 

time do you want me to come over?

Hobi: I actually thought I might come 

there, and we could have lunch.

Me: Is that a good idea? What if you are seen?

Hobi: It will be fine. Trust me, we have gotten 

really good at sneaking around.

Me: Ok, if you are sure, then how about 11:00 AM?

Hobi: Perfect. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, sweet girl.

I smile at his text and get back to work. Another hour later, I have the rough draft of Joon's part finished. Satisfied with the work I accomplished, I shut my laptop and just decided to leave everything on the table for tomorrow. I get up and head to my bed. I plug up my phone and turn off the fireplace before knocking out.

I am standing on the balcony of my apartment, looking out at the lights over the city.

"Threatening a god? Tsk Tsk. How utterly stupid."

I smile as Morpheus comes to stand beside me.

"I thought you were the god of dreams. How come you go lurking about, spying on people when they aren't dreaming."

"I have told you before, I can walk the mortal world anytime I choose. Just remember, just because you can't see me doesn't mean I am not there."

I turn to him, resting my right arm on the railing. "Wow, that sounds even less creepy. So do you watch people, you know, like take showers and have sex?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

He sighs and looks at me like I have two heads.

"I will not dignify that comment with an answer."

"Oh, you so do," I say, laughing before heading back inside.

He follows me inside, and we take a seat on the couch, the fireplace already blazing.

"So, how are you feeling after the revelation you have had?" He asks.

"Surprisingly well. I try to think back and wonder why I didn't protest more than I did. Maybe I just need some tough love, and Joon definitely let me have it." I say, looking down at my hands.

"He was right, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. It doesn't make swallowing my pride to admit that any easier."

He nods his head as if in agreement and looks back at the fireplace. We sit in silence for a while.

"So now that you have guided me to my soulmates. What now?"

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