Chapter 33-Miscommunication

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A gentle shake wakes me.

"Love, it is time to get up. We need to be leaving for the airport."

I don't acknowledge him other than to sit up and stretch. Since I had already been to the airport once today, I was already packed and just had to slip my shoes on my feet. He doesn't say anything else, and I open the door, rolling my suitcase out after grabbing my carry-on. We all make it down to the vehicles in silence.

The ride to the airport is made in uncomfortable silence. I simply stare out the window, trying my best to stay as far from anyone as possible in the cramped SUV. We pull up to the airport. I put on my mask, and the second Seung opens my door, I hop out and walk off to the airport. I hear my name being called from behind me, but I don't care. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Seung jogging to catch up to me.

"Miss Ava, please slow down. We must wait on the members."

"You are welcome to go back to them. No one knows me. I will be fine." I say, without breaking stride.

I hear him huff beside me. We make it through security and to the lounge to wait for boarding. Sitting down, I bring my knees up to my chest. I put in my earbuds, turn on some non-BTS music, and turn it up. Tuning out everything. It isn't long before there is a very angry Joon standing in front of me. I refuse to meet his eyes, and out of the corner of my eye, I see him pull his mask down.

Still refusing to look at him, I can see his arms moving from the side, and I can only assume that he is reading me the riot act for what I did, but I don't really care. They wanted to be rid of me. I don't know what Jess told them apparently, it was only the bad parts. Not the part where I admitted that I was just panicking and that I needed to sit down and talk to them. But even so, the fact that they didn't even try to talk to me about it stings almost as bad as them throwing me away.

I realize that Joon is no longer standing in my peripheral vision and continue to look out the window. I am not sure how long we stayed there. Seung walks up and picks up my carry-on. I take my earbuds out.

"Time to go, Miss Ava."

I nod my head and hold my hand out for my bag. He shakes his head and motions for me to walk in front of him. I don't look around, so I am not sure if the guys have already boarded or not, and frankly, at this point, I don't care. We walk out onto the tarmac and up the steps onto the same private plane on which we arrived. I take my bag from Seung, thanking him, and walk straight back to the bedroom, closing the door behind me. I drop my bag on the bed and put my earbuds back in before lying down on the bed and letting the tears flow. Light suddenly floods the bed, and then it is gone just as quickly. I lift my head and see I am still alone, assuming someone was simply checking on me, not sure why though.

Before long, I feel the plane take off, and my ears start popping. Since we are just going to Chicago, the flight is just a little over 2 hours. I sit up and pull my pant leg up. Where there was once a beautiful vibrant red thread with seven knots, there now sits an ugly black blob. It looks almost like it caught on fire, and the ashes were smudged. It is black and gray and smudged. I lay back down.

I decided I would finish my contract and then go home. They made it abundantly clear they didn't want me. That I am "unable to be in a relationship". I wish I had something to throw or could just scream at the top of my lungs. Why was I so fucking stupid? I pull my phone out. Seeing it is connected to Wi-Fi, I shoot a text to Jess.

Me: I don't know what your endgame is here. But if it was to get to Hobi, 

congratulations. He is now free from his completely unworthy soulmate.

Jess: Ava, what are you talking about? I am just worried about you.

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