Chapter 48-And the winners are?

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The concert starts and they are amazing as always. I am between the barrier and the stage, taking pictures. I have pictures from other concerts but this time I am concentrating on them together rather than individually. After a few songs, they stop and take a breather while talking to ARMY. I am watching them intently, curious to see who will find a surprise and if it will happen on stage.

Joon is talking and the rest are standing around in a line on stage. As I am looking down the line, I see Hobi put his hand in his pocket, and after a second he freezes. He turns with his left side toward the back of the stage and looks down as his hand goes into his pocket again. It looks like he pulls something out and then quickly shoves it back into his pocket. To anyone else, it looks like he is just fidgeting but I know exactly what has happened.

Twisting his body, his hand stays in his pocket and I see him smile at Joon who is still talking and then he is looking into the crowd, scanning. When his eyes land on mine, the look in his eyes changes. He looks like he may run off the stage and attack me. I give him a knowing smirk and his jaw ticks before focusing on Jin beside him who is now talking.

They sing another song before they go backstage to change. I stay out front so he can't get even more distracted. When they come back out, I recognize the jacket I put the other pair of panties into. I worry for a minute that they might fall out of his pocket but the way the pocket is made, the angle of the opening won't allow it.

I love watching them interact and cut up on stage. Jungkook walks toward the edge of the stage where I stand. He has on a light-colored jacket. When he gets to my side, he winks at me before interacting with more of the fans as they take a break in between songs. His hand goes into his jacket pocket as he is walking around. A look of confusion crosses his face for a minute and he walks toward Joon.

They whisper for a minute and look at his hand between them and then I see Jungkook give him his bunny smile and start acting like a kid at Christmas. Joon rolls his eyes and finds me, giving me a mock glare before showing his dimpled smile.

After they break this time, I decide to head backstage and relax in the green room. Forty-five minutes later, they come piling into the green room and all collapse onto a seat. Jin is sitting beside me on the couch and leans his head on my shoulder.

"So. Tired." He says.

Joon hands him a bottle of water and he sits up to take a sip and drops the cap into the cushion. He puts his hand between them and pulls out a pair of my lace panties, first looking confused before a smile spreads on his face.

"Whatcha got there?" Hobi asks with a knowing smirk.

Jin holds them up and unfolds them. "Guess I am lucky number one."

"Actually you are number two." Hobi says, pulling a pair from his pocket.

"More like number three. "Jungkook states pulling his pair out.

This puts the remaining guys, save for Yoongi, into a tizzy. They make us stand from the couch and search underneath. They are searching the entire room.

"You know you suck right?" Yoongi asks.

He pouts a little, grabbing a hat and putting it on, pulling it down low, slouching down a little in the chair. I blow him a kiss and then hear a shout. Turning around, I see Jimin holding the bag and a pair of underwear.

"Did you know this was my bag?"

"No clue. Just like the stage outfits. I just picked at random so I didn't know who it would be until you found them."

Tae and Joon let out groans and took seats. Joon is sitting next to Yoongi and they are talking quietly. An evil smile spreads across Yoongi's face and mine drops.

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