Chapter 55-Declarations

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"What?" I ask softly.

Either he doesn't hear me or doesn't care to answer. He puts his head down and walks off to the right. I sink to the bench slowly. Did he mean sorry for yesterday or sorry that he doesn't want this? After sitting for another minute with no sign of him, I pull my phone out.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Can you come get me?"

"What? Why? I thought you were with Yoongi."

"I was," I say my voice cracking.

"Where are you?"

"Where you left me."

"I am on my way. Stay right there."

He hangs up and 10 minutes later, Tae comes around the corner.


Ava is sitting on a bench completely alone. Yoongi is nowhere to be seen. That already pisses me off but when I see her, rage engulfs me. She is sitting on the bench, pushed up into the corner. Her eyes are red and her face is splotchy from crying. When her eyes meet mine, the floodgates burst open.

"Tae," She whimpers out.

I fall to my knees in front of her and hug her tightly.

"What happened?"

"I told him everything I said to you, including how it made me feel. I said something I shouldn't have and he l-left. He said he was sorry and just left."

"Sorry about what?" I ask.

She shrugs.

"Tae? What are you doing here?"

Turning I see Yoongi standing at the corner of the alcove, hands in his pockets. He takes in the scene and when he looks at Ava, his face pales.

"Ava..." He takes a step toward her.

She stiffens in my arms. I help her to stand and we walk past him toward the car. He turns.

"Tae where are you taking her?"

"Away from you."


Back at the hotel, I go into the bathroom telling the guys I want to be alone, and take a shower. I spend a good bit of time in a ball on the floor crying before finally deciding to get out. As I am getting dressed I hear raised voices in the living room.

"Where the hell were you? You left her alone."

"I was right on the other side of the alcove. I was no more than a few steps away from her. I needed to think. I would have known if something was wrong."

"Really? I was able to get there and get to her before you even knew I was there."


"What happened?"

"Ava called me and said that she wanted to talk about yesterday. Said that her 'punishment' made her feel ugly and unwanted." I hear Tae say.

"I fucking knew it. I told you yesterday I didn't like it. I told you that she was going to think we didn't want her but no one would listen to me."

"Jimin, she shouldn't have felt that after everything we have told her and the way we are with her."

"You didn't see her the night she read through all those comments. I DID. I knew when you started talking about doing this it was a bad idea."

I turn and climb into bed to take a nap, not wanting to hear anymore.

The next two days are rough. I don't want to be around any of them. They have a concert and I stay in bed. I don't join them for meals or anything. Finally, on the afternoon of the second day, Jin came in to talk to me.

In Your DreamsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ