Chapter 11-Do-Over Dinner

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I say bye to Eun Ae in the lobby and head back up to Namjoon's studio to continue on his part. I knocked, but he didn't answer, so I decided to wait. I drop my bag at my feet and, leaning against the wall beside his door, I put my hand in my pocket and scroll through my phone, just waiting.

I hear the elevator ding and naturally look up. I see Namjoon and Yoongi step out. They don't notice me at first as they appear in deep conversation. Finally, Yoongi looks up and elbows Namjoon, who also looks up. They stop in front of me.

"I wasn't sure if you wanted to continue working on your part now or not." I say, pushing off the wall and standing straight.

"Sure, if that's what you want. We can do that." He responds, giving me a small smile.

I look over at Yoongi and catch him in the act. His eyes are trailing up my body, teeth chewing on his lip a bit. When they finally reach my eyes, I arch an eyebrow at him. He blushes a tiny bit at being caught.

"Hey Ava. Nice outfit." He sees with a smirk.

For my sanity, let's say he was checking out my outfit.

"I have some music to work on. Joon, I will see you later. Ava, I hope to see you later."

He steps around me to walk to his studio. I step back so that Namjoon can open his door. Once the door is open, he steps back, gesturing to me to go first. I bend down to pick up my bag, and movement to my left catches my eye. I turn my head as I stand up and see Yoongi watching my every move. Once I am standing, he makes eye contact again, winks, and then disappears into his studio.

I walk into Namjoon's studio and take a seat on the couch. This time he sits on the other side of the couch. I get my stuff back out and feel him watching me.

"You guys seem very observant. You always seem to be watching the people around you." I say without looking at him.

"What can I say? Sometimes we like to watch."

I look at him a little in shock at what his comment seems to imply. He takes a minute, and I can see him realize what he said. His face turns red.

"What I mean is that you can learn a lot from someone by just observing them and their actions." He stammers.

"Ah, gotcha."

Now that everything seems to have been put out in the open, I feel much more relaxed. Morpheus should be proud I finally listened to him. We get back to working on his part. He had already talked about his pre-debut days as an underground rapper and how as he developed his rapping skills jumped across to America, where he later collaborated with Warren G.

He talked a little about his family and what his hopes for the future are, both as a group and his individual goals. He didn't want to go into many of the struggles with the other members because it wasn't his story. He said once they had all told their own story, they would come together as a group and talk about how they dealt and helped each other as a family.

When we finished, I looked at my phone and realized it was close to 5:00 p.m. I stand up and stretch, asking if I can use his bathroom. While in the bathroom, I could hear him talking to someone in Korean but of course, I had no idea what they were talking about. After coming out, I started to pack my things.

"Jin is ordering takeout, and everyone will be home for supper. Would you like to join us?" He asks.

"I don't know. I don't have a good track record at your house. I seem to piss people off a lot when I am there." I say hesitantly.

He runs his hands through his long, black, silky hair as he smiles and his dimples show up. I can hear the lyrics to "Dimple" playing in my head. AVA, get a GRIP girl.

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