Chapter 44-Confusion

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Hobi POV

Broken. My soulmate kneels before me, utterly broken, sobbing. I can't stand seeing her like this. I know how it looks, but I just need her to let me explain. I reach out toward her, and she flinches as if I burned her.

Flashback-almost 2 weeks ago

"I'm sorry, sir, soulmate or not, I cannot allow you back there. We have to her emergency contact."

"But she is on a flight from New York right now. All I am asking is for an update."

The nurse just looks at me, and I walk off, frustrated. Some stupid drunk ran a red light and rear-ended our vehicle. We all got out with minor scrapes and bruises. Ava, however, didn't fair as well. Yoongi and I were right beside her and didn't get near the injuries; it doesn't make sense. An ambulance arrived and took us all to the hospital, but once we got there, we have not been able to see her. They wouldn't even let Seung, her bodyguard, back with her. Apparently, they are a sister hospital to one she has been to before in New York, and Jess is still listed as her emergency contact. Something I will be correcting the second we can.

"I know you are frustrated, but Jess will be here in an hour or so. Just try to stay calm."

Manager Lee met us at the hospital and tried to get us to leave to rest, but we refused. All I can do is pace back and forth. The minutes seem to go backward. Two hours later, I see Jess coming down the hallway. She stops in front of us, and Manager Lee tells her the current situation before directing her to the nurse's station. She comes back a few minutes later.

"Hey, guys." Her gaze moves over us all, with her eyes lingering on me.

"What did they say?" Joon asks impatiently.

"The doctor is going to come out and talk to us."

A few minutes later, an older gentleman in scrubs and a white coat emerges.

"Ava Parker?"

"Over here," Jess states.

"The good news is there are no major injuries. She is banged up a good bit and will be super sore for a while. She has a few cracked ribs, but they will heal with time. The not-so-good news is, she hasn't woken up."

I hear a sob from beside me and see Jin grab onto Tae and guide him into a seat before he falls.

"All of her scans have come back mostly clear. We think she has a concussion."

"But she didn't hit her head."

"No, but severe whiplash can cause a concussion."

He talks a little more about the technical side of it, and then he says we can see her if we are quiet. We walk into her room, and it is all I can do not to break down at seeing her lying on the hospital bed, not moving. I feel someone behind me and see Jess out of the corner of my eye. She wraps her arm around my waist and leans into me. It makes me a little uncomfortable, but maybe she needs the reassurance.

Eventually, we all return to the hotel, and Jess comes to stay. We all give her the bedroom, and we take the living area. We go back to the hospital every day. Occasionally, we have a practice we have to go to, but other than that, we are at the hospital or sleeping. We barely even eat. Jess is giving me weird vibes. She keeps touching me and sending me texts that are making me really uncomfortable.

One day, about a week and a half after the wreck, Joon and I got done early, so we headed to the hospital. We were about to walk in and overheard Jess talking to one of the nurses.

"Is there any change?"

"No, ma'am."

"So, do you think she will wake up soon?"

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