Chapter 38-Interviews

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We reach the radio station where the first interview will be held. Ever since we left the hotel, Joon has not left my side, making sure that he has constant contact with me somehow. He has tried to reassure me several times that he would never hurt me, and I tell him every time that I know that is true.

Inside the radio station, the guys are ushered into the booth, and I sit outside, taking notes for the book. Each guy has a set of headphones, and they are grouped around three microphones. The interviewer has a list of topics that he can ask questions about, and the interview starts. Everything is going great. The guys seem relaxed, and the interviewer, so far, is being respectful.

"So guys, last night you made a pretty big announcement."

"We did," Jin says hesitantly.

The interviewer is not supposed to bring up me or our relationship.

"So I gotta ask the question everyone is wondering: do you all actually 'share' the same soulmate? If you know what I mean?"

There is silence in the booth and outside with me and Manager Lee. The guys are looking at him in shock that he would actually ask that. Joon removes his headphones and places them on the desk. Without a word, he stands, and the others follow suit. They all exit the booth with the DJ scrambling to put on a commercial and then come out of the booth.

"You guys can't just walk out during a live show."

"Actually, we can. We gave you a list of topics that were off limits, and you chose to not only ignore that but to be rude and disrespectful to not only the members but Miss Parker." Manager Lee states

Joon takes my hand and pulls me along behind him, and we all exit the building into the waiting SUVs. We climbed inside with me, Joon, and Jin in the back. Hobi sits in the passenger seat, and the other guys are in the seat in front of us. We head to the next interview, which is thankfully not a live interview but a magazine interview.

We arrive back at the hotel and are led to a conference room that has been reserved. When we enter, there are seven chairs in a line and a woman sitting in a chair facing them with a notebook in front of her. She stands and greets them all, and then they take their seats. I slip in unnoticed and sit off to the side with Manager Lee. All of these interviewers start with the same questions. Are they enjoying the tour? What has been their favorite moment so far? What things do they like to do in their spare time? etc.

I am taking notes about the interview process and the grueling schedule they have for the book when my attention snaps back to the interviewer at the next question.

"So guys, let's get real for a minute. The soulmate, that was all a publicity stunt, right? I mean, you guys can't possibly expect your fans to believe that you ALL have chosen to be with the SAME woman and would choose an overweight, average-looking American woman."

They are all stunned, speechless. These interviewers have balls; I will give them that. I can see Joon's jaw tick and know he is pissed. Yoongi's tongue is poking his cheek. The others have murderous looks on their faces. The interviewer just sits, oblivious, waiting for an answer.

"I believe that is an off-limit topic, Miss Logan." Jin grits out.

"I am just asking the questions the fans want to know the answers to. I mean, the existence of soulmates is still a highly controversial topic. How do you even know that she is your soulmate and not some gold digger out for fame?"

"I am not going to dignify that with an answer."

She tosses her hair over her shoulder and leans forward a little, looking straight at Joon. Her shirt is a v-neck, and she is desperately trying to show her nonexistent cleavage off. I mean, jeez, I am glad I have never been that desperate.

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