Chapter 41-Nighttime Rendezvous

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We pile back into the car to return to the hotel. You know, I have just about had enough of this card business. I refuse to live off of them. It will never be said that I was with them for their money. I understand the drive behind it and their desire to do things for me, and I'm not mad persay, but I am just tired of hearing about it and deciding to do something about it.

Back at the hotel, we all pile in my room, place the bags on the bed, and change into our new pjs. Tae and I picked out the same sloth onesie. We all pile together on the bed and take a selfie. Climbing back off the bed, some of the guys start unbagging stuff and setting it out so we can decide. Joon, Yoongi, and Hobi stand in front of me. Great, I roll my eyes and receive an eyebrow quirk from Joon.

"Ava, I am trying to be understanding here. I know that you are independent and want to do things for yourself. I am trying to be patient, but it is hard if you insist on continuing to do the opposite of what we ask on purpose. I get that you like to rile us up sometimes, but enough is enough." Joon says quite angrily.

"Move," Yoongi pushes him out of the way. "What this idiot is trying to say is that we would never think you are using us, but we want to be able to do things for you. We have more money than we need individually and collectively; it is kind of ridiculous. So please, just let us do this?"

I sigh. "Fine. I'm sorry. I promise to be better." Joon looks at me as if he doesn't believe me. "I'm serious, Joon. I will be better."

He seems placated, and they all pile back on the bed as Kook puts in Hocus Pocus for our first movie. Three movies and a whole bunch of snacks later, I started feeling myself falling asleep.

"Morpheus, I thought that he said no more for two weeks."

He sighs. "I spoke with him, and he states that it was a last warning."

"He can't hear us, right?"

"Correct, why?"

"I have been thinking; it doesn't sound like he will listen to reason. So, I wondered, is it possible to trap him in one of his nightmares?"

He turns and paces a bit, deep in thought. Holding his finger up, he disappears, and a minute later, he is joined by two people I have never seen.

"Ava, I would like you to meet Nyx, the goddess of night, and Hypnos, the god of sleep. They are my parents."

"I am honored."

"As are we," Nyx states, taking my hand in hers. "You look so much like your mother."

I gasped, "You knew my mother?"

"Of course, I had to meet the mortal my son was so in love with."

"Okay, mother, that is enough."

She winks at me. Hypnos comes and bows before me, taking my hand and kissing the back of it.

"Lovely Ava. You and your soulmates have endured much in your short time together." He steps back to stand beside Nyx. "I am so sorry that we did not do more to intervene with your mother. We are not supposed to interfere, but I also didn't believe that Phobetor would take it that far." He shakes his head.

"Dear, we are going to keep this from happening. Phobetor can never rule over the waking because the devastation he would bring would be endless. We are planning to go to Zeus about this matter. Phobetor has now broken the rules twice now by pulling a mortal into the affairs of the gods."
"Ava, my parents are going to fix this, I promise."

"Come, Morpheus, we must all go together."

His dad bows to me before disappearing with Morpheus. Nyx takes a step towards me and takes my hands in hers.

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