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He could not keep a straight face after my request. He chuckled once again before standing up and moving the chair away like we were done with this conversation.

He kept chuckling at himself as he made his way to the door and opened it.

I was still kneeling there dumbfounded. What was so freaking funny?

"Jason" he called as he sighed after finishing his chuckle marathon.

Jason was now by the door with a weird look as he noticed Justins mood.

"What are you laughing about?" Jason questioned before entering the room and noticing my confused self .

"I just realised my kitten is confused. That's all. That's why all this fuss all this time." He answered and I furrowed my eye brows.

Now I am truly confused.

Jason looked between us once more before focusing on Justin who leaned on the chair, arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his perfect face.

"She just thought that by turning eighteen things would change majorly." Justin said with a sarcastic tone and Jason raised his eyebrow.

"She just asked me for a job." Justin said like it was the most humorous thing and Jason chuckled as well.

"What?" Jason asked turning to me .

"What are you even going on about?" He asked as he approached me.

"I..." I paused nervously as both sets of eyes were fixated on me.

"I do want a job." I said again and Justin rolled his eyes.

"You do realise he is Justin Bieber." Jason said like I was retarded.

"Yes. I know he is Justin Bieber. I am not." I said kinda annoyed.


I huffed not able to hold back.

"He is Justin Bieber. I am not Justin Bieber. I want to make my own money and be independent." I elaborated for them .

They looked at each other like I was speaking some foreign language.

I went to stand up but their heads snapped towards me and I immediately took the position I was previously in wide eyed.

Justin tilted his head downwards with a warning look in his eyes and I gulped cowering a bit.

"There's no reason for you to have a job Bridgette. We have money for centuries.".

"Justin ,I get that b-but I want to make my own." I insisted not backing down.

"Why? So you can leave me?" He asked out of no where .

The anger in his voice trying to mask how hurt he felt.

"N-No. Of course not."

"Doesn't seem like it with all that you've been bragging about." Jason fuelled the fire with his own thoughts.

I shook my head denying their accusations before proceeding to help them see things my way.

"Just hear me out, if I get a job and no one knows that I'm yours how can that be dangerous? I won't be in any spotlight, just a normal girl with a job."

"And a dozen people all around you and dudes hitting on you. For what? There's absolutely no reason for you to be out there. No." Justin sternly insisted.


"You want a job? You can work for me." He cut me off.

"What? N-No, that defeats the whole point."

"The point is that your life is with me. You have no reason to be out there doing unnecessary things."

"Building my life is not unnecessary things!" I said a bit louder.

"Your life is already fucking build for you." He shut me down once again.

"I won't be in any danger if no one knows that I'm yours Justin! Just think about it!" I begged desperately.

He rolled his eyes getting angrier by the second.

"I already have a motherfucker out there tryna get you! Does the name Zayn ring any fucking bells for you?!" He yelled . As always he has something to say that puts me back in my place.

I was left speechless again, he is right but the frustration got the best of me, an annoyed sound leaving my chest.

"Why are you always so negative about everything?! If it's a mistake then let me make my mistakes,I'll learn from them!" I yelled in anger my voice cracking by the tension.

"I'm not negative Bridgette,I'm realistic!"

"You weren't realistic when you fucked your whole life up!" I threw in anger and regretted my words the exact second I said them.

Jasons head whipped towards me with a murderous look. Justin tilted his head backwards leaving a menacing laugh.

"Oh you wanna go there.." he answered with a low voice and I felt my throat tighten up.

Jason made his way out of the room probably to keep himself back from killing me on the spot.

"I-..I'm sorry.. I didn't.."

I was stuttering feeling my eyes burn with tears.

"I wasn't realistic with my choices and wrong decisions, hence why I know better now and I'm firm on not letting you do them. You just proved my point on your own. Congrats."

Damn it. I felt so bad for what I just said and besides that I just made everything ten times worst.

"Justin I- I kept trying to apologise but to no avail.

"Tsk tsk tsk... so ungrateful and disrespectful." He muttered as he pushed the chair back to its place.

I messed up big time and I could tell by the tone of his voice.

"That's not how I raised you." He threw a stub at me knowing exactly how much disappointing him hurt me.

I shook my head about to reply but he bit me to it.

"Whether you like it or not your life is in my hands. It depends on me. Why don't you fix your attitude before coming to demand things huh?"

I wiped my tears sniffling feeling all sorts of emotions drowning me.

"I-I'm sorry for what I just said but Justin please.." I begged desperately.
"You can't keep me locked up forever." I cried defeated and he chuckled menacingly.

"Watch me." Was all he said before exiting the room,locking the door behind him.

Little One - J.BWhere stories live. Discover now