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We begun walking, the street was quiet no cars, no chaos just us and the sound of our footsteps.

Zayn interlocked our fingers and I looked up at him with curious eyes.

He chuckled.

"It's for safety." He said winking at me and I blushed.

I turned my head away and looked at our footsteps to avoid my embarrassment.

He stopped and pulled his hood on before turning to me and doing the same to me.  I realised it was for cover, an easy disguise .

I couldn't help but notice how hot he looked in the hood. It complemented his dark and sharp features..a lot.

"How come your house is not full of security guards?" I asked something that bothered my mind .

"This is not my house, angel. This is my getaway house." He explained and my lips formed an "oh" shape as I realised.

"Justin must have one as well." He said looking at me and I nodded.

"He does have a few." I answered and he nodded as he tag me along to continue walking.

"My favourite one is by the beach." I said as my thoughts traveled to that place.

Some bad memories engulfed my mind but I shook my head getting rid of them.

Suddenly I heard noise. I looked up to see that we where getting in the city. Suddenly I grew anxious. This is so unfamiliar and so ..scary. Cars where passing by all over the place, people walked fast on the pavement, loud talking and chatting was dominating the streets side by music from every store we where passing.

I found my self tightening my grip on Zayns hand as I felt my heart thumb louder and louder.

I want to go home.

"It's dangerous out there."
"People are cruel."
"What if someone hurt you?"

Justin's angry voice dominated my head and I halted.

"I need to go home.I-I need to go back." I said scared and Zayn forwarded his eyebrows.

"We're here angel. It's okay." He said but I was already panicking.

He noticed.

He quickened his pace and with a turn we where in the ice cream shop. He pulled me to the side and hugged me.

It took me by surprise but I hugged him back. The smell of him filled my lungs, my heart sunk a bit aching that it's not Justin since I'm used to his but I can't deny that it was comforting.

Once I pulled back,Justin song 'ghost' was playing in the speaker of the store and I looked up at Zayn with pain in my eyes completely speechless. This cannot get any worse.

He clenched his jaw .

I can't escape him.

"C'mon." He said softly before tagging me gently with him to the ice cream display.

"What do you need?" The guy asked as he winked at me.

I widened my eyes and looked up to Zayn to find him already burning holes in his head with his stare.

"You'll need a pair of eyes soon enough." Zayn said and the guy gulped.

"What can I get you?" He asked more serious this time.

"I want a cone with chocolate and vanilla." He ordered and the guy fixed it.

He didn't dare to talk to me just looked at me.

Little One - J.BWhere stories live. Discover now