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The thoughts of my encounter with that security guard kept swirling in my mind all day.

I finished all my daily chores and was halfway done with my cooking .

I put the pasta in the boiling water , I stirred it a bit and then fixed the table. When it was done, I turned it off and right on cue Justin got through the door.

«Where's my kitten?» he sang sweetly and I run into his arms.

«Juju» I murmured with my head in his neck.

«What smells so delicious?» he asked while sniffling the air and I smiled from ear to ear.

«Your favorite.» I squealed as he tickled my side.

«My favorite huh?What does my baby girl want?» he teased me hinting on the fact that I'm trying to wheedle him.

Actually I kinda am..

«Well..» I trailed as he sat down.

«Well?» He mimicked as I served him his food.

I sat down next to him with my own plate. He was already eating and humming in satisfaction by the taste.

«I was thinking..» I started .

«Here we go..» Justin muttered under his breath.

I took a breath and looked at him through my lashes. His dominant eyes bore into mine, awaiting for me to anger them.

«I was thinking why..why am I not allowed outside? Why are you restricting me from using the internet? Why do you treat me like..that?» Like your hiding me was what I wanted to say but I couldn't. It's too risky.

He put down his fork as he leaned on the table.

I wanted to shy away immediately but I tried to stand my ground. I hang my head a bit in submission but kept my eyes to his. My heart was thumbing in anticipation, I need to know.

«You know my reasons little one, we've talked about this since you were little.» he answered with a firm voice and I nodded.

«Yes b-..Yes I- I know that.» I said cutting my self short before I say "but"
«I just need to know more..» I tried to push the matter but his eyes were not accepting.

«You're not allowed to use the internet because it's toxic, you don't need it. You know that I've been through a lot with that and I want to protect you from the worlds evilness. As for not allowing you to go outside..you know very well the position you are in. I'm Justin Bieber, that automatically puts you in danger. A lot of people want to harm me and if you get out there, you'll be a target. Plus all the paparazzi, all the fans, it's dangerous for you.» he clarified the words I heard all my life but that's not what I want to hear.

«I understand..» I mumbled and his eyes squinted at me.

«Are you questioning me?» he asked low key threateningly and I shook my head immediately.

«N-No..It's just that..I'm older now,shouldn't I have a life too?..it feels like you're..hiding me..» I finally said my voice barely above a whisper, hinting at what I'm trying to say all along.

He looked at his plate and smiled but not a happy smile, a mean-looking one and that's when I knew I overstepped my boundaries. I felt my blood froze inside my body and I fiddled with my sleeves under the table.

His eyes averted to me and his tongue brushed the inside of his cheek, a thing he does when he gets angry.

«Is that what you want to hear? Hm? That I'm hiding you?» he asked still smiling in that not so good way.

Little One - J.BWhere stories live. Discover now