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"She'll be fine.. I'll tell you when we pack our things..no I'll drive us there give the driver off until I'm back..yeah..aight."

I opened my eyes slightly as I was awakened by Justin's voice speaking on the phone. I realised that I must've fallen asleep cause I was kneeling with my head on Justins thigh.

Give the driver off until his back? Where is he going?

He was petting my hair with one hand and doing things on the laptop with the other, mixing and editing music.

I moved slightly to look up at him as my thoughts tried to come up with an answer. His eyes averted down to me as he felt my movement.

"Well hello sleepyhead." He said softly in a baby voice and I blushed.

I pulled slightly back to straighten my posture and he leaned down to peck my lips.

I rubbed my eyes trying to rub the sleep away.

"W-What time is it?" I asked my voice coming out soft and whispery.

"Why? Do you have somewhere to be?" He teased and an annoyed expression clouded my features as he hit where it hurts.

He chuckled before pinching my cheek and checking his phone.

"It's 5 past seven." He answered and I widened my eyes.

"I have to cook dinner." I realised ready to get up but he stopped me.

"It's okay kitten, we'll order takeaway."

My eyes sparkled at his words.

"What are we ordering?" I asked full of hope.

"Well what does my baby girl want?" He teased already knowing the answer.

"Pizza, please." I answered causing him to chuckle.

"Whatever my baby wants." He answered cutely kissing the top of my head before typing something on his laptop and closing it.

"That's enough for today." He muttered to himself before averting his attention back to me.

I was about to ask him what was the phone call about but without warning he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder as I squealed in surprise.

He set me on the kitchen counter and stood between my legs. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket before dialling the number.

The store picked up asking for our order and Justin was answering the information .

I stayed staring at him, examining his features as our faces were inches apart. He is so perfect. I watched how his eyes moved as he spoke, his eyelashes, his lips..I started wiggling my legs slightly trying to help the butterflies in my tummy calm down.

"In what name,sir?" The worker asked.

"Justin Bieber." Justin answered naturally completely forgetting who he is.

I widened my eyes and he immediately realised how dumb that was pinching his nose in annoyance with himself.

He was quick to speak cutting the loud shuffling and murmuring that was beginning to happen on the orther line.

"Just kidding, haha. It's Jason..Jason Deeps." He said one of his many stupid names and I had to put my hands over my mouth to hold my laughter in.

He was smiling trying not to burst at the side of me. He was putting a finger over his lips indicating for me to keep quiet but he couldn't help himself either. He turned around trying not to look at me.

"Very funny sir. Your order will be there as soon as fifteen minutes." The worker said in an annoyed and monotone voice.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, luckily he was quick to end the call.

Little One - J.BWhere stories live. Discover now