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"Wait Justin, please" I begged as I approached him.

He looked down at me with anger in his eyes.

"Wait for what?" He growled and I looked at the phone in his hand.

He was already in Jasons contact, his thumb above the call button.

A cold shiver run through me.

"Justin, please. There's no reason to-to do anything." I stammered not knowing what to even say.

Or why I was even saying something.

"Bridgette you're gonna get your self in trouble. Stay out of this." He threatened trying to walk past me but I stepped in front of him.

We were both shocked by my actions.

What am I doing.

The way he looked down at me made me shudder .

I lowered my head in submission but still kept my eyes up to his intimidated to say the least.

"Now." Was all he said and I got out of his way immediately.

He stayed staring at me with disbelief . His eyes were holding such dominance, it overpowered me as usual.


I obeyed.

He shot me one last promising glare before he chuckled darkly .


He pressed the call on his phone ,placing it at his ear while he made his way to the stove and turned it off. I had completely forgotten about the eggs.

"I need you" was the only words he spoke in the phone before ending the call.

What did I just do.

I just defied Justin for Zayn?

Tears welled up in my eyes as I ranked my brain to think of my next words all sorts of scenarios playing in my head.

He made his way back to me and I felt so small in front of him.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered .

"Are you now?" He asked as he leaned down to be eye level with me, a menacing glint dancing in his eyes.

I looked up at his eyes through my lashes and I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I just sniffed in silence, no words coming to my rescue.

"You'll stay there until I say so."he said harshly and I knew he was doing this to put me back in my place.


He shot me a death glare and I shut my mouth.

"You better rethink your actions while you're at it, kitten" He said as he stood up.

"You belong to me. Your place is to obey me. Whether you like it or not, whether you agree with it or not." He threw as he made his way to the stove and got his breakfast situated.

"Where's your breakfast?" He asked realising that I only cooked for him .

I mentally winced. He always gets mad when I don't eat, now it's just the cherry on top.

"I'm not hungry." I answered with my voice wavering, surely not feeling any appetite for food.

H exhaled an angry breath as he grabbed his plate and made his way to me.

"You're just playing with your luck today, aren't you." He muttered threateningly .

He took a sit on the couch right in front of me and grabbed his fork. He picked up some food and placed it in front of my lips.

"I'm not-

The stern look he shot me was enough for me to shut up and just eat . He continued eating, feeding me as well in the process and I just stayed quiet the whole time. I was still sniffling here and there.

He brought the fork to my mouth once more.

"No more." I pleaded softly shaking my head.

"Last one little one." He insisted and I obeyed eating the last bite.

He has always been strict about me eating all of my food and not skipping my meals, he's big on health..well mine at least ..but sometimes I really have no appetite.

"Good girl." He praised me with a kiss on my head.

Suddenly a loud car engine was heard entering the garage and Justin stood up.


I was about to stand up but Justin looked down at me with a raised eyebrow and I halted.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked and my heart sunk.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked and my heart sunk

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I sat back down on my knees dreading the near future.

He shook his head with a smirk at my naiveness and proceeded to go to the door.

I wanted to shrink my self as much as possible so I wouldn't be noticed but there was no chance of that happening.

I braced my self as I heard the door open.

"What's up kitty?"I heard Jasons voice and I looked up to see him already staring at me.

Justin closed the door and they both made their way to me. I shifted uncomfortably as Justin sat behind me on the couch while Jason sat on the one opposite of me.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I could feel Jason's eyes burning me.

"Am I missing something?" He asked and I didn't dare to look up.

"She's being punished." Justin informed him and Jasons eyebrows rose with amusement.

"What for?"

I looked at Justin over my shoulder, my hair falling a bit over my eyes.

He leaned down resting his elbows on his knees. His cold gaze meeting my fearful one as he remembered my past actions.

I turned back around meeting Jasons awaiting eyes.

"I.." I began not able to finish the sentence as my voice was shaking.

Jason looked at Justin and he proceeded to tell him exactly what had happened from the TV until the moment I defied him.

Jason chuckled.

"Not a good move now huh?" Jason teased me and I just stayed silent.

"See princess, let me explain something to you. Imagine you have a dog and someone comes and steals it, wouldn't you want it back? Even thought they might not have any bad intentions, you still want your dog for your self, cause its yours. It belongs to you. It's your pet. You would make sure that they'll never take it again. Do you see where I'm going with this?" He said with a menacing smirk on his face knowing exactly what he was doing with the example he chose.

My tearful eyes looked up at him with anger in them.

"Do you?" He questioned again now with a more serious tone and I couldn't help the fear.

I looked at Justin and he just leaned back with a firm expression on his face, he did not come to my rescue and I knew that I had to answer.

"Yes sir." I said as I wiped angry tears from my eyes.

"Good girl."

Little One - J.BWhere stories live. Discover now