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"Mmm." Jason hummed with satisfaction as he noticed me kneeling on the floor.

"Now that's a view." He commented before puffing out smoke from his cigarettes.

My voice was stuck in my throat.

I looked up at Justin who grabbed the usual chair and dragged it in front of me as he always does, reminding me of every bad time I experienced in this exact position.

"You can start from the time you stole Nialls keys." He said with venom in his voice .

I knew he was hurt but when Justin gets hurt or feels threatened he becomes emotionless and sometimes..it can last for days.

"I-I'm sorry." I said sobbing.

"I don't give a fuck if your sorry. Start." He spat and his hazel eyes where turning darker by the second.

I looked at Jason who was leaning on the wall, smocking and staring down at me through his threatening eyes. It's hard for me to stand up for my self with Justin who I live my whole life with but I was gonna attempt to, now with Jason here..I couldn't even form a right thought without fearing that he'll pull out a gun out of nowhere.

I submissively looked at the floor and took a shaky breath.

"I was scared, that you'll punish me when you came back because I went through your phone..I was scared..I reacted impulsively wanting to save me from that." I said honestly.

My voice shaking with each word as I relieved every moment.

"Well that worked out great for you." Jason commented with sarcasm dripping of his words as he chuckled menacingly .

I averted my eyes to him for a second and again back to Justin who was burning holes in my eyes with his stare.

"I wasn't gonna do anything I promise..I regretted it immediately and-and I was gonna give it to you when you came back, I was gonna apologise, I promise Justin. You can check from the cameras I was kneeling, I was sobbing ready to tell you but instead of you Z-Zayn got in." I mumbled the last part looking at the floor not able to handle his stare.

Unfortunately he grabbed my jaw and forced me to look at him.

"Where the fuck did he take you?" He asked, his eyes holding madness inside of them.

«I-I don't know..he called it his 'gateway house' b-but I have no idea where exactly it is." I mumbled honesty wiping some of my tears.

Justin released my chin from his grip and turned to look at Jason.

Jason stated the exact street name and number of Zayns house like it was worldwide known.

Of course he knows.

Justin turned back to me.

"Did he touch you?" He asked, the possessiveness dangerously clouding his features.

"No." I said immediately shaking my head.

There was a brief moment of silence as he expected me to continued my story but it was blocked from fear and freaking Jason McCann standing there waiting for my mistake.

His head fell for a second as he took in a breath trying to calm himself.

"Bridget." He spoke before raising his head back up to look at me.

"Start speaking before I lose my patience." He threatened lowly and I sobbed wiping a tear.

Here goes nothing.

"I was scared. I-I was asking for you. When he said you weren't there I-I had a panic attack." I paused trying to calm my self.

Justins eyes softened for a second at my words, pain flashing through them.

"Y-You weren't there." I cried as I remembered how scary that moment was.

First time in my life waking up without Justin and to a completely different place than home.

He clenched his jaw as he tried to hold back from pulling me in a hug and I could tell. He couldn't resist completely, he leaned slightly forward and wiped my tears with his thumbs ,before straightening again.

"He didn't know what to do. He picked me up and took me outside on the balcony to get some air and it w-worked. I got lost staring at the city. A-after that I was still c-crying . I asked him if you where c-coming to get me or to take me home but he said he wanted to help me-

"Help you with what?" He spat cutting me off and I gulped.

"To get me away from you." I said barely above a whisper and a huff left from Jasons lips.

Justin chuckled.

An evil chuckle that send shivers down my spine.

He closed his eyes for a second to compose himself, before opening them again.

I took it as my cue to continue.

"I thanked him b-but I still wanted to come home, he told me that if I stayed I could go outside and do wh-whatever I want." I said and he raised his head letting it fall back as he looked at the ceiling.

"That mother fucker." He said more to himself.

"I still insisted to c-come home and then.." I paused.

I wiped some of my tears as I sobbed and sniffled trying to prepare my self. Jason squinted his eyes at me suspiciously and Justin looked down at me with his eyebrow raised.

Oh God please have mercy on me .

"And then what?" Justin said lowly as he leaned over me to get a better look at me intimidating me in the process.

I submissively looked at the floor trembling under their burning gaze, trying to find the right way to word this.

"H-He gave me a choice." I whispered.

Little One - J.BWhere stories live. Discover now