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I'm going crazy in here.

I thought to my self as I closed the book I was reading. I pulled my oversized sweater over my body and my knee high socks. I made my way downstairs where he was sitting on the couch.

«Justin.» I spoke softly grabbing his attention.

He looked at me waiting for me to continue but I hesitated.

«What is it kitten?» he asked now with his full attention to me, placing down his phone and crossing his arms over his chest.

I gulped as I tried to find the right words but there's no right words for this.

«Justin, I..I want to go somewhere.» I said like an idiot and his brows scrunched up in confusion.

«Anywhere.» I blurted out trying to clarify for him.

He huffed suddenly realizing where I was going with this.

«We're not doing this again.» he said sternly and I shivered a bit but I stood my ground.

«Justin please, I'm all day locked up in this house just let me go somewhere and have fun like a human being.» I pressed and I could tell I was pushing his buttons.

«Drop it.» he warned me and I knew I needed to stop but I couldn't.

«I want to get out of this house! I don't wanna be locked up anymore!» I cried out in frustration and that was my last stroke.

He slammed his hand on the table and I winced in silence.

«Go to your room.» he demanded holding back from lashing at me for yelling.

I obeyed as I knew If I didn't I would get in trouble so I run into my room.

I fell on my bed and let the tears flow. I screamed in frustration but luckily it was muffled by the pillow.

Why can't he understand me?

I heard his footsteps on the stairs so I sat up and wiped my tears. I rested my back on the headboard and right on cue he opened the door.

His hazel eyes fell on me and his face immediately relaxed as he took in the state I was in. A soft sigh escaped his lips before he approached me and took a sit in front of me.

«Come here babygirl.» he whispered opening his arms.

As much as I wanted to play it tough and resist I couldn't. I hid in his arms with my head in his neck and cried.

«You know everything I do is to protect you kitten,don't you?» he spoke softly and I nodded.

I knew I heard this a million times but it does not make it less painful.

«I can't have you running around in the streets, it's dangerous baby, people are dangerous, someone could try and harm you just because your mine babygirl, it's not so simple for you to just get out, paparazzi could harm you, they don't care if they over step boundaries, you're to precious for that baby, I can't risk any harm happening to you. What has gotten into you these days?» he whispered the familiar words.

«I-I know, but-» he cut me of with a stern look.

«What did I say about that?» he argued and I looked down at my black high-knee socks .

«That I can't use the word "but"» I answered softly and he nodded.

«Every-time you say "but", it means you disagree with me and we don't like that baby now do we?» he spoke softly but in a stern tone at the same time.

Little One - J.BWhere stories live. Discover now