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«Came for the notes!» Justins manager said once I opened the door.

«Here.» I said handing him the notes and I nervously played with my sweater.

«Thank you Brid, now I gotta go cause I'm already late and you know how your JuJu gets.» he joked and I nodded laughing lightly.

«Bye.»I said while shutting the door.

Well almost shutting the door..right before it closed I just couldn't help my self. I took a look outside and a cat was seating by the door meowing in distress.

My heart ached at the site.

«Oh no are you hungry?» I asked and it just kept meowing.

I left the door open and run into the kitchen. I grabbed some left overs and dumped them in an old plate. I filled a bowl with water as well and with my hands full I opened a bit more the door with my leg so that I could get through but right when I placed them down the door behind me shut.

I looked at the cat wide eyed as I realized what had happened and then back to the door.

«Oh no.» I whispered scared and looked around trying to think of a solution.

I panicked. I started walking up and down running my hand through my hair nervously as the cat ate in peace next to me.

«Hey!» I heard someone yell and a security guard run towards me.

I just stayed still in shock. What do I do? Oh my god. Justin is gonna kill me.

«Caught a girl in the yard.» he talked in his transceiver.

He started dragging me at the front of the house, and another guard that I know well sighed once he saw me.

«Leave her to me.» he said and the other one left.

«What are you doing outside Bridget?You know Justins rules.» he spoke and I shook my head.

«It was an accident please don't tell him, please!» I begged but he had to do his job.

He got his phone out and in no time Justins voice was heard through the phone sending shivers down my body.

«Your girl is outside sir.» the security guard informed and I winced only thinking about Justins reaction.

«What?» Justin growled and the security guard gave me the phone.

I took it in my trembling hands and spoke guilty to the phone.


«What the fuck are you doing out of the house?» he growled and I flinched .

«I-It wasn't on purpose, I just-the door closed-» I stuttered through the words as my brain went crazy in fear.

«Go straight to my room. I'm coming home» he spoke his voice deep sending chills down my back.

I knew 'what going to his room' ment and that did not help my state.

«Yes sir.» I answered shakily switching my manners immediately as I knew well that when Justin is mad, it's better to talk to him with full respect or else I'll make it worse for me.

The security guard gave me a look of pity as he opened the door and let me inside.

I went straight to Justins room and took a sit at the edge of his bed, legs bouncing nervously, fiddling fearfully with my sweater.

Little One - J.BWhere stories live. Discover now