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The time for the college entrance examination is getting shorter and shorter, and the three-year high school career is about to end. In addition to the sense of academic urgency, the students have a strong sense of reluctance.

I can't bear to leave the school I have attended for three years, my teachers and classmates, and I have developed feelings for the people I have been sitting on the bench for three years, let alone the people I have been with day and night.

Huang Feng and Qian Jia finally entered the top 50 of their grades in the last mock test. After dinner, Huang Feng's eyes suddenly turned red, "I can't let you go. I used to look forward to graduation and growing up, but now this day It’s really coming soon, and I realize how reluctant I am to let it go.”

"I will never see the sunset of evening self-study in the future. The days of running on the playground in school uniform can only appear in my memories." On the steps of the playground, Huang Feng sat among the three people, holding one in each hand, and said in a crying voice: " But no matter what, we will be good friends for life, you know?"

Xu Su's voice was firm: "Okay, friends for life, never be separated!"

"That's what we said, no one can change his mind!" Qian Jia changed from his usual calmness and cried loudly: "Ten years later, we will still come here to see Old Wu. By then, Old Wu will be a real person Is this Old Wu?"

Xu Su felt very uncomfortable. She had lived a muddled life in her previous life and had not made any good classmates or friends. At this time, her grandmother was sick and hospitalized, and she didn't bother to think about the college entrance examination. How could she feel reluctant and uncomfortable about school.

But now, she felt really uncomfortable. Destiny asked her to go back to high school again, experience growing up and graduating again, and only then did she understand how precious these three years were.

Xu Su was about to say something when she felt an inexplicable chill on her back, and a strong sixth sense made her turn around.

Teacher Wu and his favorite disciple Xi Zirong happened to be standing behind them. From the looks of it, they must have listened to what Qian Jia said...

Xu Su smiled dryly and wiped away the tears that had just brewed: "Hello, Teacher Wu."

It was rare for her to be sad about spring and sad about autumn, but she got stuck...

Qian Jia and Huang Feng heard her voice, turned around in a hurry, froze, and said loudly: "Hello, Teacher Wu!"

Their voices were so loud that it was deafening in the empty playground...

The corners of Teacher Wu's lips twitched: "I'm very good, but I'm not the real old Wu. I don't have deafness."

"..." Qian Jia blushed: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say you are old, I just can't bear to let you go."

Xu Su raised his head and happened to meet Xi Zirong's gaze, and what he wanted to say was instantly silenced.

"You are all about to take the college entrance examination. After graduation, I will no longer be your teacher. Just treat me as a friend." How could Teacher Wu be really angry? He waved his hands and smiled like a spring breeze: "Since you are interested in coming back to see me, Then take me with you if you make a ten-year promise."

Qian Jia and Huang Feng nodded repeatedly, and Xu Su also smiled and said yes.

"Can you add me as well?" Xi Zirong suddenly said: "We will come back together to see Teacher Wu in ten years."

Of course Qian Jia had no objection, she said: "Of course you can. In fact, Xi Shen, as the squad leader, you can create a QQ class group. Class 1 already has a class group, but our Rocket Class does not. We can also organize classmates in the future It’s a party.”

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